40. The Unwanted Surprise

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A/N: Just to clear up right off the bat; the phone call that Maya received at the end of the last chapter from Topanga was to discuss Josh's birthday hence why she had to leave the room. I feel like a lot of you freaked out and jumped to some conclusions but don't fret! All is well. Just wanted to make sure that was clear before diving into this next chapter. Enjoy!


"Maya" Josh whispers as he wraps his arm around my waist, resting it on my swollen belly. My eyes flutter open and a smile pulls at my lips as I snuggle against him.

"Hmm" I hum even though I knew exactly what he wanted. It was his birthday after all.

"Good morning" he murmurs as he kisses below my ear.

"It seems like you're having a pretty good one" I chuckle as I feel him pressing against me from behind. We hadn't even bothered to get dressed last night after we rang in his birthday together.

"What can I say? I'm in bed next to a gorgeous woman" he smirks, his breath fanning over my neck.

"Paying me compliments will get you exactly what you want" I smile as he sucks on the skin of my neck. "But if you leave a hickey on me like we're in high school I will kill you" I add seriously. We were spending the day with his parents and the last thing I wanted was a bruise on my neck because he couldn't control himself.

"Sorry baby" he laughs as he grabs my hip. "You alright?"

"Mhm" I hum. I close my eyes, biting my lip as he pushes into me. I reach out and take hold of a pillow as he grinds against me, pushing into me over and over again. "Fuck" I mutter as he slips his hand around my waist, hugging me to his chest. After a couple more thrusts I come undone, my body quivering as he pulls out of me, kissing my shoulder.

"Happy birthday" I breathe out making him chuckle.

"Thanks baby" he murmurs. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. Wanna join me?"

"I'm spent" I argue. Lately this pregnancy was kicking my ass. I was always so tired. "And I still have to make breakfast."

"Don't worry about it" Josh smiles as he leans down to kiss me for the first time this morning. "Sleep a little more. I did wake you up for my selfish wants" he points out.

"I forgive you" I reply playfully making him chuckle as he stands back up and heads towards the bathroom. I hear the water turn on and allow my eyes to drift shut for a brief moment before my phone vibrates. "Why?" I whine as I turn over to grab the annoying device.

Topanga's number pops up on the screen and I groan. Why couldn't I just get some more sleep? "Hello."

"I'm going to need you to get here a little earlier than we originally planned. It's supposed to snow down in Philly after ten so his parents want to get home before it hits."

"Why don't they just stay in town tonight?"

"I did think of that" she nods, "but do you want them in your house?" she asks expectantly. I gnaw my bottom lip seeing her point.

"Alright" I concede. "What time do we need to be there?"

"Two." I look over at the clock and see that it's already past noon. Jesus I really was exhausted.

"Alright" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "We'll be there" I assure her before hanging up. I look towards the bathroom and throw back the blankets as I pad towards the steamy room. I strip down, taking a second to look at myself in the mirror, hating my reflection. How Josh even found me remotely attractive anymore was beyond me.

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