36. Hormones

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After all these months of being with Josh I've become used to sleeping beside him so when I'm alone I'm more than aware of the empty space beside me. My eyes flutter open and sure enough, my boyfriend is nowhere to be seen. I sit up and pull back the blankets before padding across the floor towards the door. I step out into the hallway and immediately hear the faint clicks of his fingers on a keyboard. I turn the corner and find him sitting on the couch with his laptop open in front of him and a cup of coffee beside him. "What are you doing?" I ask softly as I lean against the hall.

He looks up and a smile pulls at his lips. "Hey baby" he says sweetly. "I'm just looking for some work" he shrugs. "Since I don't think my family is going to be giving me quite as much financial support" he adds.

"Gotcha" I nod as I move towards him and take a seat beside him. "Find anything exciting?" I ask curiously while I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Eh" he shrugs. "I haven't found anything really exciting or interesting yet."

"Maybe Cory could get you a job at the school" I suggest. He turns his head to look at me intrigued.

"What do you mean? I never finished my degree Maya" he reminds me. I nod in understanding.

"I get that but maybe you could just get a job as a receptionist or something. You'd still be in the school setting and maybe when you finish school-."

"You really think I'll be able to finish school?" he asks.

I smile, running my fingers through his hair. "Of course I do. You're smart Josh. You made a mistake-."

"You're not a mistake" he interrupts me. "

"Okay bad wording. You made a decision that wasn't the most thought out" I compromise, "we both know we should've waited until you were done with your TA position to date but we didn't. It's not like it's going to be a pattern or something" I chuckle.

"But I can't go back to NYU."

"So? Screw that place" I shrug. "There are plenty of other colleges and I promise you that someday you will get a chance."

He smiles, reaching up to leave a sweet kiss on my lips before pulling back. "When did you become the positive one?" he murmurs.

"It's the hormones" I giggle making him laugh as he leans in for another short kiss.


I decide to take a shower while Josh continues his job search. As I'm climbing out I see my phone lighting up and I hurry over to it. Riley's name flashes on the screen and I quickly slide the answer button across the screen and put it on speaker. "Hey honey" I greet her brightly while I reach for a towel.

"Peaches" she greets politely. "How are you and the baby this morning?" she asks sweetly. My smile grows wider as I place my hand over my belly.

"Good" I assure her. "How's my best friend today?" I ask curiously.

"Fine. I'm calling because we have something very important to talk about" she exclaims causing me to quirk an eyebrow in intrigue while I grab my brush and begin raking it through my hair.

"What could be so important?" I ask confused. "I think I've exhausted all my secrets" I chuckle. A laugh from my best friend floods the line.

"It's not a secret Maya" she says and I can practically hear her eyes rolling on the other side of the line. "Your birthday is less than two weeks away" she exclaims. "What are we doing? I mean I know we can't go out or anything since you're pregnant but-."

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