32. Busted

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"I don't know what's making me more exhausted, studying for finals or being pregnant" I complain as I plop down onto the bed beside Josh. He laughs as he puts down the paper he was grading. James' other class had already taken the final and Josh was stuck grading the multiple choice section.

"They're almost over" he says positively. He was right, James' exam was my last one and it was tomorrow. "And you might even pass the class" he adds. I nod but there was a gnawing at the bottom of my stomach that wouldn't go away.

"Maybe" I reply unsure. "How's grading going?" I ask curiously. He sighs, shaking his head.

"At this rate James is going to need a large curve if anyone is going to pass his class. Either that or their essays had to be outstanding."

"That bad?" I ask. He seemingly remembers he's talking to a student and not just his girlfriend and his face softens.

"I mean-."

"Don't backtrack. You meant what you said" I sigh, running my hands over my face. "I'm so gonna fail."

"Baby have a little faith" he insists, moving my hands from my face. "Everything is going to be okay" he assures me, placing his hand on my belly. "With everything" he insists, his eyes moving to my stomach. I was eleven weeks at this point and it was starting to show. I was just glad I wouldn't pop until after Josh was done being my TA.

"I hope so" I sigh even though every single fiber of my being knew something awful was about to happen.


Walking into my history final is like taking the death march. This was literally the last thing I wanted to do today. I dressed myself in a sweatshirt and a pair of yoga pants and I had my hair thrown up in a messy bun. I was the definition of a college student this morning. It wasn't like I needed to impress Josh, he's past the point of having to be impressed by me.

"Alright students" James calls to attention. "Before we begin" he sighs, looking to Josh and then back at us. "I'd like to remind all of you of our no cheating policy" he says sternly. I furrow my eyebrows and turn my gaze to my boyfriend who looks just as confused. "Which is why I'm giving the person in this class who stole the answers to the test a chance to come forward." My eyebrows shoot up and my heat begins to beat out of my chest. We all remain silent and James shakes his head in disappointment. "Fine" he sighs. "Out of your seats. Leave your things behind while I search." I quickly scramble out of my desk and bolt towards Josh. He gets out of his seat and comes to stand beside me.

"What's going on?" I whisper to him.

"Fuck if I know" he replies, locking his eyes onto mine. "You don't think-." We're cut off by James calling my name.

"Hunter" he repeats. I look up and he's grabbing something from under my desk. "What is it we have here?" he asks.

"Oh my god" I murmur as tears fill my eyes.

"Jesus" Josh mutters.

"What is this Miss Hunter?" he demands.

I swallow hard. "I'm assuming it's the answers" I reply as a tear falls from my eyes.

"You assume" he quirks an eyebrow at me. "Are you trying to tell me that you didn't put these here?" I shrug as everyone's eyes land on me.


"I put them there" Josh cuts in making my eyes widen as I turn to look at my boyfriend.


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