♡ Extended Scene ♡

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He slams the door shut before pushing me against it. He grabs the hem of my shirt and tears it from my body, throwing it to the floor. His hands move to caress my curves, sliding up my body towards my bra. A smirk pulls at his lips as he gazes at my chest. "You're boobs are bigger" he notes. I chuckle at the observation.

"I'm pregnant" I remind him. I had already gone up an entire cup size. It wasn't like I was complaining much, it wasn't like I had much to work with before. Now I at least had a decent sized chest that I just prayed didn't disappear as quickly as it appeared.

"I know" he laughs lightly. "I don't know if I like it" he adds taking me by surprise. "They were perfect before. Not that you aren't still perfect" he back pedals. "You're always perfect to me" he says sweetly as he lifts his gaze back to my eyes. "God I love you" he breathes out, completing his jumbled thoughts.

"Josh" I smile as I grab the hem of his shirt. "Make love to me before you hurt yourself" I laugh causing a smile to tug at his lips as he strips off his shirt and pulls me into his arms. We stumble back towards the bed until my back hits the soft mattress. I position myself at the top of the bed so my head is resting among the pillows as he climbs over me. I look up at him lovingly as he places his hand back on my hip while the other rises to cup my cheek in his hand.

"I love you" he repeats for the millionth time today. I knew he knew that I was struggling today and his efforts to make me feel loved and adored made my heart swell.

"I love you too" I reply honestly as I place my hand over his. "So damn much" I admit as tears well in my eyes. It was overpowering how much I've come to love him. It had only been a few months but I was so far gone that I couldn't think straight. My world began and ended with the man lying on top of me and I wouldn't want it any other way.

He ducks his lips down to press against mine in a gentle kiss while his touch sets my body on fire as his hand moves down the curve of my hips and down to the waistband of my yoga pants. My breath hitches as his hand slips beneath the thin fabric, my body waking up under his hands. He pushes the fabric of my panties to the side and runs his hand down my entrance causing a whimper to fall from my lips as I try to grind my hips down onto his hand, aching to feel him touch me. "Someone's eager" he chuckles as he circles my clit with his thumb. My mouth falls open as my back arches off our bed.

"Stop" I breathe our roughly, "teasing" I beg, clenching my eyes shut. He keeps moving despite my pleas and I moan loudly, gripping the sheets as my climax stays just out of reach. "Josh please" I whine. Suddenly the movements stop and he's pulling at my pants roughly.

"Since you asked nicely" he smirks, removing my layers before grabbing his sweatpants and yanking them down, revealing himself to me. I relax against the mattress, catching my breath for a few short seconds before he shifts forward and buries his impressive length inside me.

"Oh fuck" I moan as he stretches me the way only he can. I swear I have no idea how I ever got pleasure out of sex before I met Josh. The way he made me feel was something so incredible and overwhelming.

"Jesus Maya" he groans as he pushes himself further inside me. He brings his lips back over mine for a long, passionate kiss as he continues to thrust into me. My body begins to tremble and my hand shakes as I caress his cheek in my hand. He breaks our kiss and rests his forehead against mine. "Let go baby" he coaxes. "I'm ready sweetheart. I'm just waiting for you baby" he says as he drives even deeper.

"Josh" I shout as my back arches against the mattress and I explode around him.

"Fuck" he groans as I feel him twitch inside me before finding his release. "We went too long without that" he mutters as he rests his head in the crook of my neck.

"No shit" I reply with a chuckle as I close my eyes reveling in the feeling of pleasure that was coursing through my body. Between morning sickness and exhaustion Josh and I's sex life was practically nonexistent. "You're gonna need another shower" I point out causing him to chuckle. An action that causes his body to vibrate against mine.

"Or we could take a shower" he suggests. I widen my eyes at him. There was no way we could do this again. It wasn't possible. "Yes it is" he says. I quickly realize I had said the words out loud and now a blush colors my cheeks as he shifts his hips, proving that we could in fact do this again. "Wanna?" he asks innocently. As if he's asking if I want to have a movie marathon instead of suggesting having round two in our shower.

"Yes" I admit causing a laugh to fall from his lips at my bluntness.

"Good. Because I was hoping that was gonna be your response. Either that or I was gonna have to take a cold shower" he says making me laugh as he climbs off me. "Coming?" he asks, turning around to face me, his naked body on full display. My eyes travel over every inch of his perfect body, lingering on a certain part that was just aiding in my orgasm minutes before. My blush intensifies as I climb off the bed and walk towards him.

"Not yet" I smirk in answer to his question. He smacks my ass as I brush past him making a laugh fall from my lips as we lock the bathroom door behind us. 

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