12. Getting Some Sugar

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My phone blares the next morning waking me up out of my sound slumber. I moan in annoyance as I reach across Zay to answer it. I was so exhausted last night that I didn't even realize he had taken my side of the bed. "Hello" I answer drowsily.

"Shit. Did I wake you?" Josh asks making a smile pull at my lips as I sit up.

"Hm? What? No" I lie making him chuckle as I climb out of bed and head over to the door. I open it and take a seat outside in the hallway so Zay can continue to work off his jet lag.

"How are you today?" he asks as I shrug, you know because he can see me.

"I'm okay" I answer after a deep breath. "I'm more worried about you. Do you know how much trouble" I start but he cuts me off.

"It would've been worth it" he says quickly. "He needs to stay the fuck away from you" he adds seriously. "Regardless of if you've moved on or not. He needs to leave you alone Maya."

"Do you know how pissed I would've been at myself if something would've happened to you though? I invited you and you could've gotten in so much trouble."

"But I didn't" he argues. "Maya" he sighs.

"What?" I ask softly.

"I know what I'm risking."

"I'm not worth it" I argue.

"I disagree" he says seriously. "If you seriously don't feel the same way then that's fine. I'll walk away and I'll act like you mean nothing to me but if you feel what I feel then" he trails off.

"Then we're both completely fucked" I sigh as I lean my head back against the wall. "Josh you know how I feel about you."

"Then we figure this out" he says seriously. "You busy today?"

"Entertaining Zay" I reply making him chuckle.

"That code for something?"

"Oh yea totally. I'm gonna have sex with him. All day" I joke making Josh laugh as a smile pulls at my lips.

"Well if you can find a break in all that sex maybe you'd wanna drive your cute ass over here for a little bit."

"I have a cute ass?" I ask with a smile.

"Come over" he pleads without answering my question.

"I'll try" I give. "But right now I gotta go. I'll talk to you later Joshua."

"Bye Gorgeous."


"Just go" Zay insists. "Hey you still got that hot neighbor?" he asks curiously as I let out a short laugh.

"Mhm" I nod. "She's Josh's sister" I laugh as his eyes widen.

"Gotta say, the genes in that family are phenomenal" he points out making me laugh as I nod in agreement.

"They are some good looking people" I agree with a laugh. "Zay are you sure? You're only here until tomorrow afternoon."

"And I'll be back" he assures me. "Go make out with the hot TA" he smirks. "I got moves to make on his sister."

"She's literally like seven years older than you" I laugh as I slip on my shoes.

"So she's got experience. I like that in a woman" he says making me roll my eyes playfully.

"You like boobs and an ass on a woman" I tease as I grab my keys. "I'll see you later dork."

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