31. Home Sweet Home

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When I get up the next morning I know I have a drive back home ahead of me and I'm dreading it more than anything. I missed Josh and I wanted to go home but I wish there was a way to get poof there, like Dorothy's red slippers. I climb out of bed and wander to my door, pulling it open and being met with the smells of breakfast food. A smile pulls at my lips as I head to the kitchen where my parents are relaxing together over mugs of coffee. "Good morning" I smile as I walk over to the cabinet and pull out a plate before piling bacon and pancakes onto it before I move to sit with them.

"Morning baby girl" my mom beams. "How are you feeling?" she asks worriedly. I reach towards the middle of the table for butter and syrup and shrug.

"Alright. I'm certainly going to miss waking up to food everyday" I admit making my mom chuckle.

"Josh doesn't cook?" my dad asks curiously.

"No, no" I insist. "He would. It's just we don't really do breakfast on weekdays. We both prefer sleep" I shrug. "Class is early" I complain.

"The class he helps teach in?" my mom questions. I nod carefully. I knew the fact that I was dating my teacher's assistant still wasn't their favorite fact but they were accepting it and that was all that mattered.

"Mhm" I reply as I stuff my face. "I have finals coming up so I'm gonna be pretty busy and I can't ask him for help since he has the answers" I complain. "It kinda sucks but" I shrug. "What are you gonna do?"

"I suppose" my mom replies. "When are you heading out?"

"Um" I think as I light up my phone and look at the time. It was just a little past nine. "Around noon probably. I think I'm gonna take a shower before I head out" I add as I continue to eat my breakfast. "But I wanna get home early enough to get some sleep before class tomorrow morning and maybe enjoy some time alone with Josh."

"I think you've had enough time alone with Josh" my dad teases making me chuckle. "You sure you'll be okay to drive yourself home?" he asks worriedly. I nod as I finish off my breakfast.

"I'll be fine" I assure them. "I drove all the way here didn't I?" I ask as I drink the last few drops of my juice. "Alright" I smile, pushing my plate away. "I think I'm gonna head upstairs, check in with Josh and take a shower."

"I hope you don't mean that you're checking in with him while you're in the shower" my dad says making my eyes widen as I stare at him.

"What?" I stutter.

"I don't know" he shrugs. "Don't young people sext or have phone sex or something?" he asks. My lips part as I stare at him in shock.

"Dad that is not what I meant" I insist profusely. "He's at school" I exclaim, "and we don't have phone sex" I argue. "I literally meant that I was going to check in on things. Like say hello" I chuckle.

"Okay" my dad gives. At this point my cheeks are bright red and I'm flustered beyond belief. I thought that awkward conversations with my parents would be over after they found out I was pregnant but it seemed that was just wishful thinking.

"I'll see you guys later" I smile before escaping back up to my bedroom. I glance at the clock and smile realizing that Josh is already out of class. I grab my phone and dial his number. He picks up on the first ring causing a smile to pull at my lips.

"Hey gorgeous. You up already?" he teases. It was almost ten at this point.

"Shut it" I reply playfully. "I'll have you know I was up by nine" I add causing him to chuckle. "How was class?" I ask curiously.

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