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2 Years Later...

"We're going to be late" Josh reminds me for the millionth time as I flit around the kitchen throwing a bunch of snacks in the diaper bag for when Gabe would inevitably get hungry.

"Yes I know" I sigh, zipping the bag shut. "I think I'm ready" I add, stepping back and looking around at everything. I had the gift, the diaper bag, a change of shoes for after the ceremony and...shit. "Where is our son?" I ask, allowing my exhaustion to show through my voice.

Josh chuckles. "I was wondering when you were gonna notice his absence. Gabe let's go" he shouts down the hall and seconds later our son comes toddling down the hallway.

While Josh and I had discussed waiting until Gabriel turned two to make the decision on whether or not to move to Texas we made the decision before he even turned one. After everything that happened with Derek in that house it was just too hard so we packed up and moved down to Texas for our new beginning.

We decided to actually purchase a house rather than rent as we had already begun starting for baby number two and we didn't want to have to move every time I got pregnant. It was a four bedroom home with two floors so it was plenty big for the family of six we were aiming to have and it had three bathrooms. There were two bedrooms along with a bathroom, the kitchen and living room on the first floor and we had put Gabe in one of the rooms on the floor since he had yet to master the stairs and in a few months our daughter would take up the room beside his. Josh and I resided on the second floor in the master bedroom with an ensuite bathroom and across the hall was one spare bedroom and an extra bathroom.

Deciding to buy a house and expand our family before we tied the knot was a decision our families weren't too pleased with but it was our life and neither of us wanted a huge age difference between the kids. Once we were done with the baby stage we were done so once Gabe turned one we had started trying but it proved to be a bit more difficult than the last time but finally about four months ago we had conceived and we were expecting a little girl.

"Uncle Zay getting married today?" he asks making a smile tug at my lips as I nod my head.

"Yep" I confirm. Since we got the invitation a few months ago he had woken up every day asking if his Uncle Zay was getting married today. It was cute for about a week and then it had just gotten irritating so I was beyond glad that today was finally the day...not to mention that our parents weren't going to be in attendance to pressure Josh and I into setting our own wedding date. Right now we were just happy being engaged but we did plan to get married before we had baby number three but we had plenty of time before then. "You ready to go?" I ask, hoisting the bag onto my shoulder while Josh grabs the present and our son's hand.

"I've been ready for hours babe" Josh teases making me roll my eyes as I follow him out of the house, almost stumbling in my heels. I hated Vanessa for squeezing me into a pair of six inch heels while I was four months pregnant.

I climb into the passenger seat while Josh fastens Gabe into his car seat before climbing into the driver's seat beside me. "All set bridesmaid?" he teases as he puts the car in reverse.

"Let's go get this over with so I can take off these shoes" I reply making him chuckle as he nods and pulls out of our driveway, heading off towards the church.

As he drives I decide to go through my emails on my phone and I groan when I read one regarding an assignment that slipped my mind. "Shit" I mutter in annoyance.

"What's wrong?" Josh asks, stopping at a red light.

"I forgot to turn in my still life on Thursday" I sigh, exiting out of my email.

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