30. Family Day

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After the disaster of Thanksgiving dinner I take the opportunity to sleep in a little longer than normal, feeling well rested for the first time in weeks. I figured having the weight of my secret off my shoulders helped with that. I glance at the clock, the bright red numbers shining back at me. 11:04. "Jesus" I mutter, pushing my hair back out of my eyes. I glance around and memories of Josh showing up last night flood my mind causing me to scan my bedroom in confusion. My boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. I climb out of bed and pad over to my door, throwing it open. I'm immediately met with the sounds of people laughing downstairs. I furrow my eyebrows and walk down the steps, finding my boyfriend and my family sitting around laughing and talking. "Morning."

Everyone's heads whip up to me and Josh smiles. "Good morning" my mom says sweetly. "How'd you sleep baby girl?" she asks curiously as I take my seat beside my boyfriend.

"Good" I admit with a smile. "Better than I have in weeks." Josh kisses my temple before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Are you hungry?" my dad asks curiously. "We all kinda already ate" he admits with a chuckle, "but you're more than welcome to anything" he says making me smile.

"I'm fine right now" I assure him.

"Do you need anything?" my mom checks making me chuckle.

"Guys" I put my hand up, stopping them. "I'm pregnant not helpless" I laugh. They nod and return to their conversation while my boyfriend pulls me closer, kissing the soft spot below my ear.

"Good morning baby" he whispers making my heart flutter.

"You left" I point out playfully making him chuckle as he nods.

"I did" he confirms. "I waited for you to get up but after an hour I got kinda bored" he admits making me giggle. "I'm sorry sweetheart. You didn't think I left did you? Like completely?"

"No" I shake my head, taking his hand in mine. "Of course not" I assure him with a soft smile. "I was just confused. I fell asleep next to you and woke up to an empty bed."

"I'm sorry" he repeats sweetly. "I'll just wake you up next time" he adds making me chuckle as I shake my head in disagreement.

"No that's okay" I assure him with a soft laugh. "I'd rather sleep."

"I kinda figured" he replies. "So uh when do you want to head out?" he asks curiously. "We gotta get back to the city" he adds. I nod in agreement though I really didn't want to leave. I was enjoying being home with my family.

"What time do you want to get back into the city?" I ask curiously. He shrugs, obviously noticing my reluctance to leave.

"Do you wanna stay an extra day?" he asks, taking me by surprise.

"Josh we have to get back. You have to teach-."

"Do you want to stay? You drove yourself, you don't have to leave with me if you don't want to" he adds. A smile pulls at my lips at the thought of staying in town an extra day.

"Would that be okay?" I ask, biting the inside of my lip. "You drove all the way here-."

"Sweetheart" he says softly, lifting my chin so our eyes lock. "Is being here an extra day gonna make you happy?" he asks. I nod and a smile pulls at his lips. "Then stay. I drove here because I knew you were hurting and I hate being the reason why" he adds seriously.


"Yes really" he chuckles. "I'll be fine at the house alone for a night. Just call me tomorrow when you get up and text me before you leave. I worry" he adds making me smile.

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