♡ Extended Scene ♡

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"Dinner can wait" he breathes down my neck causing the skin on the back of my neck to stand up as he reaches down and scoops me up making me gasp.

"How is it you still pick me up as if I weigh nothing?" I giggle, wrapping my arm around his neck as he carries me into our bedroom.

"I guess I'm just that strong" he smirks as he places me carefully back onto the bed. "Now, since this is your idea" he smirks. "Tell me what you want."

My eyes widen and my panties dampen just looking into his clouded eyes that are dark with his want for me. I swear there was nothing I loved more than seeing the effect I had on this man. "I thought I made it clear" I reply, leaning back on my hands.

"Yes but you see there are two ways we could go here" he says, peeling off his shirt and leaving him all broad shoulders and bulging arm muscles before me. "I could make love to you or this could be a little rough. Your choice."

"Well seeing as though I'm a little pissed at you, I'd like option two. And" I add, scooting to the edge of the bed and standing up. "I'm in charge" I assert, grabbing his belt and pulling it off before unfastening his jeans and tugging them down his legs. I glance down at his prominent bulge and a dark flush takes over my skin. I tentatively press my palm against him through his boxers earning a low groan to spill from the back of his throat as his hips reflexively push against my hand.

"Fuck sweetheart" he groans, "we don't need foreplay."

I flick my gaze up to him and remove my hand. "My way" I snip, reaching down and pulling down his boxers. "Lie down" I instruct.

His chest is rising and falling quickly but he does as I ask, climbing onto the bed and lying back while I make haste of my own clothing. I tug my shirt over my head and step out of my yoga pants leaving me in a black bra and matching panties. "Bra on or off?" I ask.

"Off. Definitely off" he responds. I nod, reaching behind my back and unclasping the confining material and allowing it to fall to the floor. "Jesus Maya you're killing me sweetheart."

"Good. You made me wait now you have to wait" I smirk, shimmying out of my panties before climbing on top of him, straddling his waist.

"Maya come on" he pleads, raising his hips to try and fit any bit inside me but I evade him and shake my head.

"Hold on baby. I have to make sure I'm ready for you" I argue, reaching down between my thighs and slipping a finger between my folds. His eyes widen and I swear he might actually spontaneously combust.


"Hm?" I hum, pumping my finger a few times.

"Baby stop. I-I need you" he groans making me smirk as I remove my finger and line us up.

"How baby? Like this?" I ask and finally I sink down onto him. I gasp as his hips rise off the bed to meet my thrust and he pushes so unbelievably deep inside me. "Josh" I sigh, pressing the palms of my hands on his chest to support myself.

"Fuck I missed this" he groans as I rise and fall once again, greedily meeting him thrust for thrust.

We move together like this for what feels like an eternity as the overwhelming pressure in the pit of my stomach becomes painful and I'm begging, pleading for release. "Josh" I cry, clenching my eyes shut as my fingernails dig into his chest.

"Maya" he moans, throwing his head back as my muscles clench around him and I release, pushing him right into his own moment of bliss.

I pant, attempting to get in a steady breath as the aftershocks of my orgasm wash over me. Josh and I stay connected as we come off our highs, slowly returning to one another. "Who are you and what have you done with my sweet, innocent girlfriend?" he asks breathlessly making me chuckle.

"You pissed me off" I reply defensively. "Don't make me wait next time" I smirk, climbing off of him and attempting to ignore the warm liquid running down my leg. I scurry off to the bathroom to clean myself up before returning to the bedroom to join Josh but he's already gone.

I quickly change into a fresh pair of panties and slip into another pair of yoga pants pairing it with Josh's shirt and head out to the kitchen to find him already back to cooking wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Just a hit and run babe?" I tease, sliding back onto the barstool.

"No. I'm just starving" he chuckles. "Sit tight, it shouldn't take too long to cook."

"Mkay I hum, settling onto the stool content to just watch him cook. 

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