6. Needing Space

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Derek is gone when I get home so I fall asleep alone for the third time this week. I decide to take Riley's advice and skip Friday. I wake up and take a shower which wakes up Derek who I hear making breakfast. A small smile spreads across my lips as I hear him fumbling around the kitchen. Maybe I was wrong and Riley was right, maybe a few days away from Josh would help me remember all the reasons I was with Derek. I get dressed and walk up behind Derek kissing his shoulder blade.

"Morning" I say softly as he turns around.

"Don't be cute" he says bluntly. "You're keeping secrets."

"No I'm not" I argue as I look up at him. "Derek I'm not cheating on you but you are drinking so why don't we talk about that?" I ask as I cross my arms across my chest.

"I like beer Maya sue me" he spits as he walks away from me.

"You're coming home late" I point out as he laughs, grabbing his plate and sitting at our small kitchen table.

"Thank you Sherlock. I know what time I got home."

"Why are you acting like this? And why haven't you gone to work all week?" I demand as he shrugs, taking a forkful of eggs.

"I'm off" he answers as I roll my eyes. "Why aren't you at class?"

"I didn't feel like going and since you so kindly forgot to make your girlfriend breakfast I'm going out" I add as I grab my purse and stalk out of the house. My breath catches when I spot Josh at Morgan's door. I try to walk back into my apartment but it's too late he sees me.

"Maya? What are you doing here?"


Morgan's not home so we decide to go out to breakfast, we're both broke as hell so we end up at McDonald's with big breakfasts and coffees. "So how long have you known Morgan was my sister?" he asks as he pours sugar into his coffee.

"Since Monday night" I confess as I take a bite of my hash brown. "I was gonna tell you yesterday morning before class."

"Mhm" he smirks making me laugh as I shake my head.

"Fine. Don't believe me" I reply playfully. "But I'm not a liar."

"Oddly enough I believe you" he smiles as he stirs his coffee. "So how much cyber stalking have you done?"

"Enough to know she's your sister and something is going on with her life that you don't like" I confess as he nods.

"Her boyfriend isn't the nicest guy, he's hit her a couple times and I want her out of the house. She defends him, says she loves him and that it's always an accident but she's my sister you know?"

"Yea I do" I reply, "siblings bring out something in people."

"Yea" he smiles as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Any siblings?"

"Riley is basically my sister" I smile as he laughs lightly, nodding in understanding, "but I have a brother, his name is Nate. He's my stepdad's kid with my mom."

"Your parents aren't together?" he asks as I shake my head. It usually took me awhile to tell people this story. It was me at my most vulnerable but something about Josh made it almost easy.

"My dad left when I was seven. He wasn't ready for a family yet. Fast forward and he's married and has a new family. I've seen him a couple times but he'll never be my dad, not really. My dad is Shawn and as far as I'm concerned he has been from day one."

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