25. Party Interrupted

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"Dammit" I mutter as I rush around the kitchen trying to remember where I put my flight information. I knew I had printed it out the night before but I couldn't for the life of me remember where I put it. It also didn't help that while Josh and I had been living in our new place for almost a week we still weren't much unpacked. Between my morning sickness, school, and our unwillingness to leave our bedroom we had become quite unproductive.

Now here I was, running against the clock so that I didn't miss my flight. I knew I should've just skipped class. It's not like I had a chance of passing anyway. Derek would come through on his promise eventually and I'd be thrown out of the class.

"Baby what are you looking for?" Josh asks, appearing from the hallway that led from our bedroom.

"My flight details, I don't remember which airline I'm on" I groan as I continue to lift boxes making Josh's eyes widen as he rushes towards me.

"Maya" he exclaims, pushing me back. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he exclaims, stepping between me and the boxes. "Did you forget you're pregnant?" he asks seriously.

Heavy lifting. Right. That was on the list of don'ts for pregnancy.

"Sorry" I apologize. "I just need my flight details or I'm gonna miss my flight" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"Okay" he nods, turning around and scouring the counter. He moves over to the living room and walks over to the desk we had set up in the corner. "How soon does pregnancy brain start?" he asks with a laugh as he picks up the details from the printer.

"Oh my god" I sigh as I walk over to him, grabbing the sheet of paper. "I am such an idiot."

"You're not an idiot" he insists as he leans forward to kiss me. "You sure you're gonna be okay?" he asks worriedly.

"I'll be fine" I assure him, "we'll be fine" I smile, placing my hand on my stomach. I had to admit in the past week the fact that I was pregnant started to scare me a little less and excite me a little more.

"Call me if you need me okay?" he checks sweetly.

"Why? You gonna fly all the way down to Texas?" I ask playfully.

"If you need me" he replies making me giggle as I give him one last peck on the lips. "I love you" he smiles as we pull apart.

"Love you too" I reply as the doorbell rings. "That's probably Riley, can you get it? I have to go get my bag."

"Yea" he nods making me smile as he moves towards the door while I head back to the bedroom to get my bag. I grab it off the bed and wander back to the living room, finding Josh and Riley talking.

"Hey" Riley exclaims when she sees me, "you ready to hit the sky?" she asks making me laugh as I nod my head.

"Ready" I confirm.

"Keep an eye on my girl" Josh insists to Riley making my best friend laugh as she hooks her arm in mine.

"Always" Riley replies, "she'll be fine Uncle Josh" she insists with a roll of her eyes. "I have been taking care of her for years" she reminds him.

"Yea well I'm trusting you with her and my baby" he quips, "so keep her out of trouble and make sure no dumbasses slip something into her drink" he adds seriously.

I gape at him, "how much time have you spent thinking up possible detrimental scenarios in your head?" I ask curiously.

"You're out by midnight every night what am I supposed to do while you sleep?" he asks with a laugh making me roll my eyes playfully.

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