39. Going Home

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"Do you have everything?" Josh asks as he moves around the hotel room packing up our stuff so that we could catch our flight in time. Zay was going to be here in about twenty minutes to take us to the airport and I had to admit, I was sad. I loved getting away from reality for a few days and as much as I didn't want to admit it, Josh was right. This weekend, getting to reconnect with Zay was exactly what I needed, especially after the disastrous holidays season.

"Yes" I insist, nodding my head. "And there are much more enjoyable ways we could spend twenty minutes" I remind him, a smirk pulling at my lips.

He chuckles, shaking his head. "Aren't you exhausted from last night?" he asks but I shake my head. Being tired was the furthest thing from my mind.

"Come here" I beckon making him chuckle as he moves towards me, kneeling on the bed and grabbing my waist.

"You're insatiable you know that Maya Hunter?"

"Don't use big words" I laugh, "it reminds me too much that you were my teacher."

"Is that not a fantasy of yours?" he smirks as he slips his hand up my shirt. "I thought girls liked the thought of sleeping with the hot professor."

"What dirty movies are you watching?" I laugh making him chuckle as he ducks his lips down to catch mine in a passionate kiss. I smile against his lips as my fingers thread through his hair, pulling roughly at the tendrils.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing beside us and I groan. "No" I whine. Josh pulls back while I reach over to grab my phone, finding Zay's name lighting up the screen. "You have horrible timing" I complain as I answer the phone making him laugh.

"I'm a little early. Sorry."

"You should be" I sigh as I push Josh off. "We'll be out in a sec."

"Okay" he replies, "but for the record you had all night to have sex."

"Bye Zay" I hang up abruptly. Josh laughs as he gathers our stuff while I head to the door to hold it open for him, knowing that there was no way in hell that he would let me carry the bags myself. Zay pops the trunk when he spots us and I climb into the backseat while Josh loads our stuff inside.

"Morning" Zay smirks as he turns in his seat to look at me with a smug look on his face. "You get some rest last night?"

"Did you?" I shoot back making him chuckle as Josh climbs into the passenger seat.

"Touché" he concedes making me smirk victoriously as he turns back around and starts the car. "You both ready to head back home?"

"Not really" Josh admits, "it's kinda nice being here. We don't run into anyone we know."

"Is it really that bad?"

"Ha" I laugh, "Zay it's awful. Imagine going to the grocery store and the people in line behind you know that you slept with your TA and gossip about it while you're standing two feet away."

"Well" he pauses, "you know you both could move out here. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than living back in New York. I mean I know you both just bought a place but I'm sure you could get quite the pretty penny for it."

"You sound like her now" Josh chuckles as he looks back at me. "It's something we're talking about" he admits, "but it's not anything we're committing to just yet."

"Well I can't say I wouldn't be excited if you both moved down here" Zay admits, "especially since Lucas has been looking too. We could all be back together again."

A smile pulls at my lips at the thought of all of my friends finally being in the same place again. It had been so long since we all lived in the same state nevertheless the same city. About ten minutes later we pull up to the airport and I let out a long, deep breath. "I'll grab our bags" Josh says as he steps out of the car, leaving Zay and I alone.

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