44. Everybody's Got a Secret

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MAYA: Just made it onto the plane. Text you when I land xoxo

I send off the text to Josh as I settle into my seat on the plane. Riley had given me the window while Lucas got the aisle and I sat between them. I found it so weird that they had hired movers to drive all their stuff across the country for them but they insisted that they couldn't do the long road trip. "You excited?" Riley asks, practically jumping out of her seat in excitement.

"As excited as a girl whose friend is moving across the country can be" I chuckle, taking her hand in mine as the plane prepares for takeoff. "Remind me why you wanted to fly and not drive" I add making her laugh as she squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"Because it's faster and it's safer actually so just relax" she insists.

It takes us a bit to get into the air but once we're in the air and on our way I calm down a bit and decide to enjoy the flight to the best of my ability. It's honestly pretty cool to fly in an airplane and every view outside your window was like the perfect painting just waiting to be captured on a canvas.

"So are you ever going to tell me what Zay's big surprise is?" I ask Riley abruptly as I'm staring out the window. I'm hoping that by catching her off guard I'll get a little more information out of her.

"Sorry" she replies. "My lips are sealed and he will kill me if I tell you."

I turn to face her with a deep pout. "I just don't think it's fair, I mean I can actually keep a secret but you're known for spilling the beans. Why can't you tell me?"

She chuckles. "You're pregnant. Your pregnancy brain could kick in and you could forget it's a surprise and ruin everything."

"Riley that's not how that works" I exclaim in frustration. I was going crazy not knowing what this huge secret was that evidently every one of my friends was in on.

"Whatever" she shrugs. "Trust me, the surprise you'll experience when it actually happens will be well worth the wait" she says proudly making me roll my eyes as I relax into my seat and return my gaze to my window.

I sure hoped she was right.


"Maya" Zay exclaims as I run up to him and throw my arms around him. "Gosh I missed you" he gushes making me chuckle as I hug him closer.

"I missed you too" I admit before releasing him to let him breathe. "How are things?"

"About the same as when you left last time" he chuckles. "How are you? You've certainly popped since I saw you last."

"Oh" I blush, placing my hand over my belly. "Just twenty-seven weeks, you know, whatever" I shrug making him smile.

"And you're still happy with Josh?"

"Happier than ever" I confirm. "Are you still okay with that?" I ask hopefully.

"More than okay" he assures me, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "Are you ready to get out of here? You're alright with staying at my place right? I have a spare room with a queen size bed."

"That sounds amazing" I reply honestly. At this point I was jetlagged and exhausted; I was so ready to get some sleep. "Do I have time to nap before dinner tonight?" I ask hopefully.

He laughs, nodding his head. "I think we can arrange that" he smiles. "Come on, let's get you to that bed" he adds as he leads me out to his car. While he's loading my bags into the trunk I pull out my phone and shoot off a quick text to Josh.

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