34. Christmas From Hell

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I knew it was going to be a disaster but nothing prepared me for the sobbing man locked inside our child's nursery as the clock strikes twelve on just another normal December morning. As if just hours before my house wasn't filled to the brim with screaming.


Earlier that day...

"Josh" I giggle as he attempts to frost my nose instead of the cookie laid out on a piece of tin foil on the counter.

"What?" he asks innocently as he takes his finger and runs it beneath the nozzle of the frosting tube before licking it off. "Tastes sweet" he says simply before dropping the tube to the counter and grabbing my arm. I yelp in surprise as he pulls into his embrace. "Not nearly as sweet as you though" he says, his voice dropping an octave. My lips part and he smirks as he takes the opportunity to close his lips over mine, deepening the kiss immediately. For the past week we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. Neither of us could get enough of one another, never quite satisfied after the moment passed. He picks me up and places me on the counter as the doorbell rings causing him to groan as we pull apart. "I hate holidays" he grumbles as he helps me down. I giggle as he walks off to the foyer to answer the door.

Seconds later I hear rapid footsteps running towards the room and I know it can only be one person. I'm finding my footing quickly as I meet my best friend halfway. "Peaches" she exclaims as she throws her arms around me. I laugh as we hold one another tightly. To say I missed her was an understatement. "How have you been? How's being suspended? How's the baby? Is that frosting on your cheek?" she asks rapidly. The last one makes me reach up and sure enough, Josh's caress had left remnants of frosting in it's wake. I giggle as I lick it off my finger.

"I'm good. I don't miss school and it never stops kicking" I laugh, answering all her questions as I lead her towards the kitchen. "Take a seat. We're cooking."

"Mhm" she smirks, knowing us better. I blush as Josh wraps his arm around my waist, kissing the top of my head before turning to preheat the oven. "How've you been Uncle Josh?" she asks curiously.

"Better before you showed up" he shoots at her making her laugh as she rolls her eyes.

"Why? Because you were about to get laid?" she quirks an eyebrow at her uncle.

"Yes" he says bluntly making me hit his arm. "What?" he questions. "Were we not about to go at it?" he asks. I blush, averting my eyes to the pan in front of me, not wanting to admit that I was about to let Josh have his way with me for the millionth time this week.

"Maybe" I admit softly. He smirks victoriously as Riley giggles, reaching forward for one of the cookies. "Hey" I exclaim as I slap her hand. "What is with you and your uncle? You'd think the two of you were the pregnant ones" I laugh.

"Like you haven't snuck any" Josh replies. "I saw you sneak one right after they came out of the oven."

"I don't know what you're talking about" I reply playfully making Josh and Riley laugh. "What time is it?" I ask curiously. Everyone was supposed to be arriving at five o'clock and the closer the hour got the more anxious I became. I had tried to tell myself that this wouldn't be a complete disaster but I knew better.

"Two" Josh replies. I sigh, wiping my hands on my jeans.

"I need to take a shower. Do you think the two of you could finish this stuff up while I'm gone?" I ask as I lick frosting off my thumb.

"Of course we can" Josh says.

I quirk an eyebrow at him, unconvinced. "Without eating all of it?" I ask. He shoots me an amused smile.

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