47. Living Nightmare

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Josh's POV

Two days later and the swelling in Maya's brain has almost completely disappeared and they're hopeful that today may be the day, meanwhile our son was doing alright but he wasn't out of the woods yet. I just hoped Maya would wake up and maybe seeing her would push him to fight just a little harder.

Katy and Shawn are with him while I'm sitting with Maya; our friends had yet to come in today since it was still pretty early in the morning but around ten they'd probably all start filing in. I lean back in my seat and pull out my phone, deciding to go through a few Facebook messages from my own family. They wanted to be here but I didn't want to crowd Maya with people she didn't know too well. They'd have a chance to meet our son after they got out of the hospital.

"Josh" Maya croaks making my eyes widen as I drop my phone sit up.

"Maya" I exclaim. "Hey sweetheart. How are you feeling baby?" I ask softly, squeezing her hand.

"What-what happened? Where's the baby?" she asks as her hand finds her flat stomach. "Josh where is he?" she demands frantically.

"Shhh" I soothe, running my hand over her hair. "He's in the NICU. Honey you gotta calm down you've had a rough few days."

"He's alive? He's okay?"

I nod. "He's alive and he's hanging in there. His lungs are a little underdeveloped but he's doing well, he's getting stronger every day."

"Josh what happened?" she asks confused. "All I remember is driving to my mom's house-."

"It was a hit and run. You got t-boned when someone ran the red light and rammed right into you. The baby was in distress so they did an emergency C-section and delivered him. You had some swelling in your brain and you have a concussion."

"How-how long have I been out?"

I sigh, squeezing her hand. "Not counting the day of the accident, about three days sweetheart."

"Three days?" she squeaks.

"I know, I know" I whisper, running my fingers through her hair. "It's a while-."

"A while? No kidding it's a while. I've already lost three damn days of our son's life and a hit and run?" she exclaims. "Hit and run my ass. I fucking knew Derek was following me" she shakes her head.

"I know sweetheart" I nod. "I'm so sorry."

She looks down at me confused. "Sorry? For what?"

"For not believing you. For leaving."

"Josh" she sighs, squeezing my hand in return. "Baby you were right. You had to go to work. I didn't have to leave the house but I just wanted to spend some time with my mom. I wasn't thinking. This is my fault as much as it is yours" she insists before glancing around. "Where is my mom? Has she been here?"

I chuckle. "She called me and picked me up the day of the accident. Her and your dad only go home to sleep and bring me clothes. They've been amazing Maya. And uh our friends have been in and out too."

"Our friends?" she questions. "Riley?"

I laugh, nodding my head. "Yes, Riley and Lucas and Zay. They've all been here nonstop. They hopped on the first flight here as soon as they heard."

"Wow" she cries, wiping at her eyes. "When can I see our boy?" she asks hopefully.

I smile, leaning forward to kiss the top of her head. "I'll go tell the doctor you're up and I'll let them tell you. Okay? I'll be right back sweetheart."

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