7. Confrontations

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A/N: No double update for this story today because I updated twice last week. Sorry but I hope you all like it!

I wake up early on Saturday morning and notice that Derek didn't even come home last night. I roll my eyes as I grab my phone and start scrolling through my socials. I sigh as I throw my phone down onto my bed and decide to go to the library to get some work done. I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before throwing my hair up in a ponytail and heading out the door.

I make my way to campus and head into the library. I find my usual spot and set up my stuff to get to work. I make it halfway through my essay when I suddenly hear a book fall to the floor. I turn and my eyes lock on Josh's.

"What do you live here?" I ask playfully as I turn back around, knowing he's going to come sit in front of me.

"No but um the library is a nice place to hide when your family is town" he admits as he sits down. "I thought you'd be home."

"Derek didn't come home last night and I don't want to be there when he gets home" I reply as I type a few more words of my essay. "I like it here, it's quiet" I add with a shrug. "Why don't you want to be around your family?" I ask bluntly as I sit back in my seat to look at him.

"It's not that I don't want to be around them it's just that they're family, they're invasive and annoying" he replies making me chuckle as I nod in understanding.

"Got it" I smile, "by the way aren't we supposed to be avoiding each other?" I ask playfully.

"I can go if you'd like me to" he smiles as he starts to stand up but I hold out a hand to stop him.

"No wait" I say softly, "stay."

"You sure?" he asks sweetly as I nod making him sit back down. "Why didn't your boyfriend come home last night?" he asks curiously as I let out a sigh.

"I really don't know" I confess, "I told you he's been drinking and I think he's been skipping work" I add frustrated. "I just really don't know what's going on with him."

"Do you have any idea where he might be?" he asks curiously as I shrug.

"I have no idea Josh. He's never acted like this before" I add as my phone rings pulling me out of the conversation as I reach for my phone and see Derek's name flashing on the screen. "It's him" I say quickly as I answer it. "Hey babe where have you been?"

"I could ask you the same question. I came home last night and you weren't home but your curling iron was still plugged in" he adds in a slur making it obvious that though it was the middle of the day he was drunk off his ass.

"So?" I ask confused.

"So you had your hair done, your heels were gone, and your favorite dress. Aside from that the smell of cologne was pretty hard to miss" he adds as my eyes flash up to Josh. I never put much thought into the fact that Josh did always smell amazing.

"Derek you're acting ridiculous."

"Really then where are you?" he asks bluntly.

"The library. I'll be home in a little bit okay?" I assure him as I hang up the phone. "I gotta go" I say quickly.

"I heard how drunk he sounded Maya, that's not safe."

"He's not gonna hurt me Josh" I assure him as I gather up my stuff. "I'll see you in school on Monday" I add as I start to walk away but Josh catches my wrist.

"Maya" he tries but I wiggle out of his grasp and rush out the door.


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