19. Three Little Words

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I wake up the next morning to the sounds of hands moving quickly over a keyboard. My eyes flutter open and land on Josh sitting up beside me on his laptop. "Baby what are you doing?" I ask drowsily as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Just a little research" he replies as he slams the computer shut before smiling over at me. "You sleep okay?" he asks as he brushes a strand of hair out of my face.

"Mhm" I nod as I kiss the palm of his hand. "I always sleep good when I'm with you" I add happily, "but I'm still curious as to what you were doing" I smirk making him chuckle as he reopens his laptop.

"I was just looking at some places a little further from campus" he shrugs as I sit up, staring at the list of apartments he had pulled up.

"Why?" I question, "I mean besides the obvious" I add, not wanting to discuss my pycho ex this early in the morning.

"I mean I'd be lying if I said he wasn't a part of it" he gives, "but living further from campus could give you and me a little more breathing room, not having to sneak around so much."

"So I'd be moving with you?" I question as a smile pulls at my boyfriend's lips as he leans in to kiss me making my heart flutter in happiness.

"Move in with me" he mutters as we pull apart.

"Mkay" I reply with a smile as I lean back in for another kiss, my heart pounding out of my chest as his tongue slips into my mouth. "Josh" I chuckle as he moves, trying to position his body closer to mine, "baby you're gonna break your laptop" I point out as he pulls back and slams the computer shut before placing it on the floor beside us.

"Better?" he asks making me giggle as I nod. His lips crash back onto mine, quick and insistent, his tongue brushing over my bottom lip asking permission to deepen the kiss again. I smile against his lips as I open my mouth to him, feeling his tongue slide over mine.

"Mm" I hum appreciatively as I reach up to run my fingers through his hair while his hands grip my waist, gently pushing me back onto the mattress. "Josh" I say quickly as I push back on his chest.

"What?" he asks softly, his blue eyes locked intently on my own.

I could feel the three words bubbling up inside of me, the ones that I continued to insist to everyone I didn't feel. I had known since before I had ended things with Derek that I was falling for him but now it was becoming unbelievably, undeniably obvious that I was in love with Josh.

"Baby what's up?" he asks as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "You okay?"

"Yea" I reply, coming back to reality. "I'm hungry, you hungry?" I ask as I push him off of me and climb out of bed heading for the kitchen.


I'm working on my mountain of homework later that afternoon while Josh is on the Internet looking for places for us to move into at the end of the month. "I found a studio, but I don't really wanna downgrade" he says as I nod.

"Makes sense, and plus with me moving in with you I'll be helping you pay" I add as he nods.

"Exactly" he agrees with a smile. "Um" he adds as he scrolls some more, "there's a two bedroom" he says as he looks up at me. "Only a little over a thousand."

"Not bad" I give, "how far from NYU?" I question as I turn around in my chair to face him.

"About a half hour" he shrugs, "close enough that the commute won't be awful and far enough that we wouldn't have to worry about NYU students catching us on a walk or something. Hell we could get a dog" he adds making me chuckle.

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