28. Keeping Secrets

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Getting through the next two weeks is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. By the time the week of Thanksgiving rolls around I'm eight weeks pregnant and my need for sleep has increased tenfold, not to mention my morning sickness was awful and whoever named it morning sickness was the luckiest person on the planet because mine was morning, noon, and night. I'm in the bathroom packing up my toiletries when Josh walks in. "I really think you should let me drive you" he insists as he leans against the doorframe.

I sigh, zipping up the bag and turning to face him. "I promise if you do that then you'll be guilted into staying and you have your own family to go see."

"I know that but I'm worried about you" he says seriously. "Letting my nauseous, pregnant girlfriend out of my sight isn't exactly the easiest task."

"Josh I'll be fine" I assure him as I brush past him to the bedroom to finish packing my duffel bag.

"I don't doubt that you think that" he replies making me chuckle as I shake my head in amusement. "Please just let me drive you" he begs but I shake my head as I stuff my toiletry bag into my duffel. I grab my chargers and place them on top before zipping it shut.

"Babe I love you but I promise you I will be fine" I assure him as I grab my bag before brushing past him to the living room. I grab my keys and a can of ginger ale, turning to face him. "I will see you on Sunday night" I smile as I reach up to kiss him. He kisses me back but a worried expression is apparent on his face as we pull apart.

"Text me when you get there" he begs as he reaches out to caress my cheek. "Have a good holiday with your family."

"You too" I smile as I lean up for another lingering kiss before pulling back reluctantly. "I love you."

"I love you too" he says sweetly before I turn to leave. I head down to my car and climb in, heading off back to Greenwich. The drive isn't very long which I'm thankful for since in reality I really didn't feel like driving today. I felt awful, all I really wanted was a nap. I pull up to my parent's house and climb out of my car. I go around the back and grab my bag before starting up the front walk. Before I can even knock the door flies open and my mom steps out with a large smile on her face.

"Hi baby girl" she exclaims as she throws her arms open, pulling me into them.

"Hi mom" I chuckle as I hug her back tightly. "How are you?"

"Amazing now that you're here" she says happily as she pulls back, stepping out of the way so I can walk into the house. "How was the drive?" she asks as she takes my bag and places it in the foyer.

"It was fine" I shrug. "Where's dad and Nate?" I ask curiously, looking around for a glimpse of either of them.

"Nate's in his room and your father is at the store picking up a few last minute items for tomorrow" my mom explains. I nod in understanding while looking around the house. It was weird being back here now that I had my own place. It didn't feel like home anymore.

"Would it be okay if I went upstairs and took a nap?" I ask hopefully.

"Um sure" my mom replies skeptically. "Your room is all set up for you" she explains making a smile pull at my lips.

"Thanks mama" I reply happily as I grab my bag. I kiss her cheek before walking upstairs to my old bedroom. I pull the door open and sigh. I hardly ever visited home and it was obvious by the looks of my bedroom. Everything looked the same as it did when I moved out after senior year. My bed was in the corner of the room resting horizontally while my desk was still set up in the opposite corner. I had a beanbag chair beside my desk and dozens of pictures that Shawn or I had taken together over the years. I smile as I plop down on my bed, thankful for the comfy mattress. I grab my phone and send a quick text to Josh letting him know I made it home safe before allowing my eyes to flutter shut as I drift off to sleep.

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