♡ Extended Scene ♡

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I look between his eyes, a laugh bubbling out of me as I nod, he smiles and scoops me up making me yelp as he carries me back to our bedroom, plopping me down on the bed making a giggle fall from my lips as he climbs on top of me. He was already shirtless so my hands waste no time in running over his muscles as he lands over me.

I remember a few weeks ago when I saw him on the track at school, back when the thought of being with my TA was ridiculous but now here I was.

"Stop thinking" he mumbles against my lips as he pulls back from me.

"I'm not" I protest but he eyes me expectantly making me laugh. "Miss Hunter let me be completely honest, you kiss amazingly, truly unbelievably but when we make out and you're thinking you get sloppy" he laughs.


"Mhm, for example" he smirks, bringing his lips down to me. He kisses me for a few seconds before swiping his tongue over my bottom lip, I let out a soft moan as I open my mouth to him but he pulls back. "See" he points out, "you kiss better when you pay attention to me."

"You sound kinda selfish."

"I'll give you selfish" he smirks as he pulls back, standing back up and pulling down his sweatpants. I gape at him, his body on full display to me since he doesn't wear boxers to bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. He smirks, climbing back over me and slipping his hands under my shirt. I try to reach up to kiss him but he pulls back.

"Nope" he smirks.

"Josh" I whine.

"No touching" he says seriously as he bunches up my shirt, "up" he instructs. I pout but I do as he says. He pulls it off and reaches behind me to unclip my bra before throwing it onto the floor.

"This isn't fair" I complain as I collapse back onto the bed.

"You're the one who said I was selfish."

"I was kidding" I giggle, "baby come on, let me touch you" I beg, reaching up to him. "I'm sorry" I whisper and before another second passes his lips are back on mine. I reach up, raking my hands through his hair as he deepens the kiss, his hands tugging on my pajama pants. I raise my hips to help him and kick the fabric off my feet while his lips travel down my neck.

I hum in pleasure as his lips trail down the valley between my breasts, my back arching and a loud moan falling from my lips as his hands yank the waistband of my panties, freeing me from the last layer between us.

"Josh" I sigh as his lips come back to meet mine. He kisses me passionately, my head beginning to spin as he hovers at my entrance.

He reaches over to the nightstand and my eyes pop open as I push him back. "What?" he asks worriedly, his gaze falling to me. "Something wrong?"

I gnaw my bottom lip as I look up at him, the idea bouncing around my head. "No" I insist, "but I'm" I pause, "I'm on the pill so" I trail off, eyeing him expectantly.

"You don't want to use one?" he asks genuinely confused.

"I mean" I trail off, a blush rising on my cheeks, "we can I'm just saying we don't have to."

I was even surprised by my own words. I've been on the pill since I was in high school but even so I have never, ever had sex without a condom. It wasn't just that I was afraid of getting pregnant or anything either, it was just that it seemed so much more intimate. Skin on skin is completely different and it was something I had never wanted to experience as much as I did with Josh in this moment.

"Are you sure?" he asks worriedly.

"If you are" I reply honestly, a smile pulling at my lips while his hand falls, moving to caress my cheek as he brings his lips back to mine. I get lost in the kiss, lost in the moment and the feeling of his lips moving so perfectly with mine. When he finally shifts forward and connects us my mouth falls open in a gasp, the sudden feeling of him inside me without a barrier taking my breath away.

"You okay?" he asks, his own words seemingly caught in his throat as he stares down at me.

"Mhm" I squeak out making him chuckle as he closes his lips over mine again, starting a steady rhythm with his hips as he moves in and out of me over and over again. As I start to near my end my back arches off the bed and his lips move down to my chest, trailing a line straight down the valley between my breasts and lower still while his hands caress my curves.

"God Josh" I moan, my head falling back against the bed. He starts moving faster, making it hard to distinguish when one movement starts and another ends. My breaths come out labored and uneven, my chest rising and falling at a rapid pace and my body feels as if it's seconds from exploding.

"You're really making me work for it aren't you" he teases, resting his head in the crook of my neck making me chuckle as I clutch at the back of his head, running my fingers through his damp hair, tugging gently. "Just let go baby."

I bite my lip, clenching my eyes shut as my orgasm finally hits. My body gives out beneath Josh's as heat spreads through me, my fingers are shaky as they thread through Josh's hair but my breathing begins to even out as Josh finds his own release, stilling on top of me.

"Took you long enough" he teases, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"Sorry" I giggle, fighting for breath. "I could've just faked it if you wanted." His body vibrates above mine as a laugh spills from his lips.

"Never fake it for me" he pleads, "that's just cruel."

"I faked it for almost a month when I first started screwing around with Derek" I admit as he rolls off me, finally returning to the moment after his high.

"Seriously?" he asks, his head turning to face me.

"The first time ever" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, pushing it off my head, "it hurt so much, I didn't even understand why the hell people would want to do it all the time" I admit. "I panicked though when he did and I wanted it to be over" I admit, covering my face as an awkward giggle tumbles from my lips.


"Mhm" I giggle as I turn onto my side to face him. "After that it just took him a while I guess to figure out what I liked" I shrug.

"I figured that out on my first try" he smirks making me roll my eyes in amusement.

"You're so cocky."

"But let's be honest I'm the best you've ever had."

"Yea, yea" I laugh. "You drive me nuts."

"I know I do baby" he replies making me laugh as he pulls me against him.

"I love you so much you know that" I admit happily, a smile pulling involuntarily at my lips as I stare at him.

"I love you too Maya" he says happily as he leans in to kiss me. "More than you'll ever know."

I smile, content, snuggling up into his chest. "I'm gonna take a nap, don't leave."

"I'm not going anywhere gorgeous" he replies sweetly, kissing the top of my head before I drift off to sleep.

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