3. It's Not Stalking...I Think

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I can't sleep after that. All I do is toss and turn, unable to stop replaying the scene over and over again in my mind.

Should I tell him I saw him? He wants to keep our relationship strictly educational and there was no way I could bring this up without blurring the lines but keeping it from him felt wrong. It wasn't like I was planning on spying on my teacher's assistant fighting with Morgan at two in the morning but the thought of keeping it from him made me feel guilty.

On top of that Derek didn't stumble in until after five in the morning smelling heavily of alcohol. I pretended to be asleep when he plopped down onto the bed beside me and waited impatiently for my alarm clock to go off.

Finally six o'clock rolls around and I shut my alarm off before it wakes Derek and I sneak out of bed.

I'm still dressed from my snooping last night and honestly it's not the worst look so I just decide to go with it. I grab my keys and slip on a pair of Converse before leaving the apartment and heading down to the parking garage.

I find my car and climb in, immediately turning off the radio as I was definitely not in the mood for music this morning.

I make it to school and walk onto campus, heading directly to class. Upon walking in I sweep the room and immediately find Josh's eyes staring back at mine, his eyes have obvious bags underneath and I'd be shocked if mine didn't match.

That's what happens when you're both up all hours of the night.

I break our eye contact and head towards my seat where Riley is already waiting. "You look like hell" she comments making me sigh as I sit down beside her.

"I didn't sleep last night. Derek and I had sex when I got home and I fell asleep-."

"You fell asleep" she exclaims, cutting me off, "is he that bad?"

"If you let me finish" I snip. "I fell asleep afterwards and when I woke up it was 2 am and I was alone" I explain causing her eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"He left?"

"I guess" I shrug, "All I know is he had off yesterday and he came home smelling like alcohol."

"Weird" she agrees as our professor calls order to the class. As he talks I let my eyes wander over to Josh who looks stressed and exhausted. Maybe I should just tell him I saw him so I could find out what really happened last night; I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious.

"Ms. Hunter?" my professor questions, finally catching my attention and rooting me back in reality.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask making him shake his head in annoyance.

"That's a three pagr paper on the Civil War Ms. Hunter" he assigns angrily making me roll my eyes.

"The Civil Bore" I comment softly but unfortunately he has the hearing of a vampire and he spins on his heel to face me in reaction to my snide comment.

"That's five pages Ms. Hunter. Would you like ten?" he asks but even I know when to stop pushing my luck so I simply press my lips in a fine line causing a victorious smile to pull at his lips. "That's what I thought" he mutters before turning back to the lesson at hand and while I try to pay attention I can't help but notice Josh chuckling as he leans against his desk.

I hate myself for the way the sound of his laugh causes something to stir inside me and I certainly hate the way that his eyes sparkle and the way he can still manage to look attractive even after a sleepless night but most of all, I hate that I notice these things at all.

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