18. Together

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"Ex? As in the one that left you for your best friend?" I ask as I look between the two of them. I had to admit I was a little surprised by her appearance, she had a brunette pixie cut and her makeup was caked on making her look about five years older than she probably is. She was wearing a tight black dress that barely covered her ass and her eyes were glued to my boyfriend.

"That would be the one" he sighs.

"She's uh different than I imagined" I reply as he looks down at me confused. "Am I like the first blonde?" I laugh lightly.

"Actually yes" he replies with a smile, "and I love that about you" he adds as he reaches down to peck my lips. "You're different than anyone else I've dated Maya and it's a good thing" he assures me.

"Well we've caught her attention. She's coming over here" I point out as the brunette makes her way over to us.

"Joshie" she coos, "what are you doing here?"

"It's my sister's birthday" he explains.

"Oh right. Morgan" she smiles, "and who is this?" she asks as she looks me up and down judgmentally.

"Maya" I reply before Josh gets the chance. "I'm Josh's girlfriend" I add as her eyes widen.

"Girlfriend? Josh I didn't realize you dated anymore, I thought it was all hookups nowadays" she snips.

"You hear that from Noel?" he asks annoyed as his hand slips behind my back.

"Oh sweetie you can't honestly still be upset about that, it was years ago" she waves it off with a shrug. "But perhaps you're right, I mean we do talk. We are engaged after all" she adds.

"Engaged?" I ask shocked. "Huh, that's weird since you were checking Josh out across the bar and you're rating me in your head right now" I call her out making her eyes widen as Josh chuckles beside me.

"I was not" she protests.

"Oh you were but it's okay. I'd be pissed off too if I let him get away" I add as I look up at my boyfriend. "You ready to get out of here baby?" I ask curiously.

"After you gorgeous" he smiles as he motions for me to step in front of him. "Bye Sophie" he smirks as I pull him out behind me. Once we step out of the door Josh is pulling my hand and pushing me against the brick exterior of the building. His lips crash onto mine, his hand gripping my waist while the other tangles in my hair.

"Josh" I mutter against his lips, pushing back on his chest. "Slow down" I chuckle as he pulls back.

"Sorry" he laughs lightly, staring into my eyes dazedly. "That was" he trails off.

"What? The kissing or telling off your ex?"

"Both" he laughs. "Where have you been all my life Maya?" he asks seriously as his hand moves to caress my cheek.

"Waiting for you" I whisper as I lean forward to peck his lips. "So?"

"So" he replies like a statement. "You wanna get out of here?"

"What about Morgan?"

"She's got Zay" he shrugs. "Let me take you home."

Looking at Josh I know there is nothing I want more than to go home and let him have his way with me but the only other person I've had sex with is Derek and I thought he was going to be the only one. I didn't know if I was ready to be intimate with someone again and I didn't know when I would be.

"Josh" I say softly. "I want to" I whisper sadly.

"I sense a but" he says as he runs his thumb over my cheek.

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