♡ Extended Scene ♡

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A/N: Private Smut chapter of Josh and Maya's first time. This is my first time publishing smut on Wattpad so please be nice in the comments 😊


He drops me down onto the bed before going to lock the door. "With our luck lately I'm not taking any chances" he laughs making me giggle as I stare up at him.

"You know you can tell me to stop whenever you want right?" he asks as I nod while he climbs on top of me. "I love you" he says softly making my heart swell as I reach up to kiss him, his lips are soft against mine, molding against mine perfectly as his hands move down my sides to the hem of my shirt. He pulls back from me slightly while he pulls up my shirt, I sit up a bit to help him, before collapsing back onto the mattress as the fabric hits the floor.

In all seriousness Josh and I had tried to round the bases so many times but.

Every. Single. Time.

We got interrupted.

So when Josh's eyes transfix on my chest I can't help but smirk. "Hey Josh" I giggle, "eyes are up here babe" I remind him as I take my finger and move his chin up so he looks into my eyes.

"Sorry" he blushes. I didn't think I had ever seen the boy blush. It was kinda hot.

"Don't be" I reply as I reach back up to crash my lips onto his. This time I grab the hem of his shirt and start pulling at it but Josh is too concerned with trying to unclip my bra that he doesn't pull back. I slip my hands under his shirt, running my fingers up his chest.

"Dammit Maya" he mutters as he pulls back finally. "Where the fuck is the clasp?" he asks in frustration making me giggle.

"If you had just asked I would've told you it was in the front" I reply with a laugh.

"Evil" he laughs as he finally finds the clasp and unclips it. The fabric falls back onto the bed while I reach up to pull off Josh's shirt. "You still sure about this?" he asks as I nod.

His lips come back to mine, parting them with his tongue as his hands move to cup my breasts in his hands before sliding down my sides to my hips. His hands squeeze tightly around my waist while his lips leave mine and start trailing down my neck. He nips at my skin making soft moans fall from my lips as he soothes the ache with his tongue, trailing it along my neck.

My hands reach forward and grab the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling him against me, allowing me to feel him through the thin layers we had left. His hands moved to my shorts as his lips trialed down the valley between my breasts and down my stomach, past my navel, all the way to my waistline.

"You're really sure?" he asks as I nod vigorously. He pulls my shorts down my legs, throwing them onto the floor before kissing his way back up, trailing kisses all along my inner thigh making my breath hitch.

"Josh" I say quickly, catching his attention.

"You wanna stop?" he asks worriedly as I shake my head.

"No" I reply honestly, "I just" I bite my lip.

"What?" he asks curiously.

"Nothing" I reply as he smirks, coming up to peck my lips.

"Mhm" he mutters, unconvinced, as he moves his attention back to my lower region. He hooks his thumb in the waistband of my panties and pulls, making the fabric fall away onto the floor. "You trust me right?" he asks as I nod. "I'm gonna take care of you" he says softly making my heart flutter before suddenly he dips his head and takes my clit into his mouth, sucking gently on the sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Oh my god" I exclaim, my back arching off the bed.

His mouth disconnects and he moves his head to look up at me. "You like that?" he asks as I nod, unable to form a sentence. He smirks before using his thumb to circle around my clit while his tongue starts to dart in and out of me, doing a fine job of almost tipping me right over the edge.

I was starting to get really pissed off that we had been interrupted all those times if this was what I was missing.

"Josh" I moan, my eyes clenching shut as I grab at the sheets. "I'm gonna" I warn as he suddenly moves, bringing his lips back up to mine, cutting off my sentence with his lips. I reach for his pants, tugging them off and taking his boxers with them, revealing him to me.

At that moment two things occur to me, one, we needed a condom, like now because I was about to fall apart any second, and two, he was bigger than Derek by at least two inches and I knew this was about to hurt like hell.

He seems to read my mind on the first thing because before I know it he's fumbling with the nightstand drawer while trying not to take his lips off mine. When he finally retrieves it, he pulls away and tears it open before putting it on.

"You really sure about this Maya?" he asks worriedly as I nod my head.

"Mhm" I give. He smiles as he leans back down to kiss me, lining us up and sliding into me as he deepens our kiss. I was right. It hurt like hell but it also felt too good to tell him to stop.

He moves slowly, his lips moving with mine in a steady rhythm while his hands caress my body as he rocks into me repeatedly. My moans are stifled by his lips and it's probably a good thing otherwise his neighbors may file a complaint.

He goes deeper and deeper with every thrust, starting to pick up speed while my nails drag down his back, my body being pushed towards my limit. I know it's only a matter of seconds until I give out.

"Baby" I mumble against his lips, only it comes out more of a sigh of pleasure as he hits my sweet spot sending me over the edge. Heat surges through me, my body shaking as the waves of my orgasm crash over me. He grips my waist trying to keep my steady as he hits his own high, his body stilling on top of mine.

"Holy shit" he mutters as he pulls away from me breathlessly.

"My thoughts exactly" I breathe out, running my fingers through my hair that was matted with sweat and tangled from Josh's fingers.

He rolls off me, making it a bit easier to catch my breath as I let my eyes flutter shut. My heart beat slows and I feel my breathing even out before I allow myself to open my eyes to look at Josh lying peacefully beside me.

"You good?" he asks as a chuckle falls from my lips.

"Better than good" I laugh lightly.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" he asks as I shake my head. "What were you gonna tell me before by the way?"

"There are actually two things" I smirk as I rest my head on my hand, turning to look at him. "One, I uh, the oral thing" I stutter as his eyes widen.

"You've never done that?" he asks amused.

"No" I admit, "that's why I kinda got weird."

"What'd you think?" he smirks as I roll my eyes playfully.

"I think you're cocky" I reply as he laughs.

"Perhaps" he gives, "what's the second thing?"

"He's smaller than you" I smirk as his eyes twinkle with amusement.

"Seems as if I win in this department" he says making me laugh.

"You got me so don't you automatically win?"

He stares up at me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as he reaches up to kiss me. "Yea" he says as he pulls back. "I do."

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