33. Time Off

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"At your place?" I hear Josh's mother question as he speaks with her on the phone while we're lying in bed together. He started the call before I was up, wanting to get the conversation over with before I woke but unfortunately my boyfriend sucked at being quiet. Either that or the small flutters that were starting to form in my belly in the form of tiny kicks were keeping me awake.

"Yes mother" Josh sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Yes of course Maya is going to be there. She lives with me" he exclaims before looking down at me to find me awake. I give him a soft, encouraging smile causing his face to soften just slightly as he drops his hand from his face to my hand that was resting between us. "We really want to have Christmas here. We think it will just be so much easier to get our two families on common ground." He pauses and I can't quite make out what she's saying but I can tell it isn't pleasant by the look on Josh's face. "I'm not really asking mom. We're hosting the holiday. Come if you want. Stay home if you want. I really don't give a shit" he adds before hanging up the phone and tossing it onto the floor. The loud thud causes me to jump. "Hey" he soothes, "it's okay" he assures me.

"Your family already hates me and they don't even know I'm" I pause, swallowing hard. "I was your student. They don't know we're pregnant and they certainly don't know that you got dismissed from your program."

"It's my life" he shrugs, "and I am more than happy lying in this bed with you" he assures me as he leans down for a soft, quick kiss before pulling away. "You hungry?" he asks. My stomach grumbles in response and I giggle as I nod. "Kay" he smiles, kissing the top of my head. "You rest. I'm gonna make some food" he says but I shake my head, climbing out of bed.

"I'll come" I insist. He shakes his head at my stubbornness but he doesn't protest as we head off towards our kitchen. "Can you get me a glass of milk?" I ask hopefully as I take a seat at one of the bar stools while he walks behind the island.

"Of course" he replies sweetly, opening the fridge and pulling out the gallon of milk along with a few other ingredients he needed for breakfast. He opens the cabinet and retrieves a glass, filling it before sliding it across the counter to me. I mutter a thank you before taking a sip while a smile pulls at his lips. I would never understand the joy it brought my man to do such a simple task such as pour me a glass of milk but I loved it nonetheless. "You're staring" he calls me out even though his eyes are cast down towards the eggs he was beating in a bowl. A blush rises on my cheeks as I take another sip of my milk. He chuckles before turning to turn on the stove.

"How do you do that?" I ask but he simply shrugs in response.

"I can feel your gaze" he replies, almost sounding confused about it himself. "It's the same feeling I get when you're in a room. I just feel your presence. As weird as that may sound" he chuckles as he begins scrambling eggs on the stove.

I shake my head though his back it turned to me while my fingertip runs over the rim of my glass. "It's not weird" I assure him before an abrupt knock on our door startles me out of my calm, soothing morning with my boyfriend. Josh turns around and looks at me sternly while shutting off the stove so not to burn the eggs. He points a finger at me sternly.

"You stay here. Don't move. You got it?" he asks and I nod numbly as he makes his way over to the door.

After getting caught at school for "cheating" Josh and I were just waiting for Derek to make his inevitable reappearance. It was nerve racking to say the least, especially with a baby on the way. Josh moves towards the door but as he pulls it open a chuckle falls from his lips.

"Jesus Christ" he mutters. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he demands in a light tone. I take that as my cue to move towards the door to find Morgan standing on the other side. My face breaks out into a wide smile as my eyes land on my ex neighbor.

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