14. Labels

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I wake up the next morning in Josh's bed, the sunlight seeping in through the windows. I roll over and expect to find Josh beside me but instead I'm met with an empty bed. I reach over to the nightstand and grab my phone finding a text from Josh accompanying the annoying alert that my phone was nearly dead.

I sigh and open the text from Josh.

PRINCE CHARMING: Morning gorgeous! Sorry I had to duck out, James wanted to go over some lesson plans this morning. There are eggs in the fridge and coffee beans on the counter. Help yourself :)

I laugh, amused at the fact that he trusts me to cook in his house.

MAYA: How do u know I won't burn down your house?


MAYA: Bad choice

PRINCE CHARMING: U can't scare me away gorgeous

PRINCE CHARMING: I'll see u soon

I smile at the text before my phone lets me know my phone is at five percent. I moan in annoyance before getting up out of bed and heading over to Josh's side, scouring the area for a phone charger. "Aha" I shout in victory when I find it. I bring it out to the kitchen with me and plug it in, setting up my phone while I turn to make breakfast.

I jump when the doorbell rings.

"Shit" I mutter until I hear a voice.

"Josh. Seriously bro open the damn door" Morgan shouts making me laugh as I head over to open the door. Her eyes pop open when she sees me. "Oh" she laughs lightly. "I didn't realize my little brother had company."

"Technically he doesn't" I reply as I open the door wider to let her in, returning to the stove before I really did burn down the house. "He's already at school."

"Oh" she says as she looks around before taking a seat at the island. "So. You guys are at the sleepover level already" she smirks.

"When your ex cleans out your place" I sigh as I plate my eggs and grab a fork. "Yea we are" I add as I realize I never started the coffee. I decide to have a glass of milk instead.

"Derek cleared out your place?" she asks in shock. "Damn Maya. I'm sorry."

"Not your fault" I shrug. "But anyway, your brother has been pretty amazing about letting me stay here."

"Yea he's pretty amazing" she agrees. "Best little brother a girl could ask for. So are you guys like serious?"

"Um" I stutter as I sip my milk. "I don't think so. We haven't even labeled it yet let alone labeled it as serious."

"Too bad" she sighs. "I like you better than the last girl" she adds as her phone blares breaking up our conversation. She pulls it out and laughs. "That's him. Probably telling me not to come over. I'll take this. Enjoy the rest of your breakfast" she smiles before walking off down the hall.


"I tried to bring you coffee this morning" Riley says as she catches me while I'm walking to class. "Where the hell were you?"

"His place" I reply, omitting Josh's name since we're on campus. "Derek broke in yesterday. Took everything. I needed a bed Riles."

"So come stay with me" she suggests as I chew my bottom lip. She stops us and looks at me. "Unless you don't want to" she trails off, gauging my reaction. I don't respond and her mouth drops open. "Seriously" she exclaims. "It's been a few weeks. You can't possibly think moving in with him is a good idea."

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