17. Morgan's Birthday

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I skip class the following day. After everything yesterday I needed a day to myself which was why I was chilling on the couch watching Netflix. I was halfway through Kiss and Cry when my phone buzzed. I smiled looking down at the caller ID.

"Zay what do you want?" I ask playfully when our phones connect.

"Where the hell are you?" he asks bluntly.

"Um at Josh's" I reply confused as I mute the TV and turn my full attention to the phone call. "Why?"

"Because Morgan invited me home for the weekend" he replies victoriously. "I think it's just to make the ex jealous but I'll take it" he adds making me roll my eyes.

"You deserve more than that Zay."

"I'll fall in love someday Honey Nugget don't you worry your pretty blonde locks about that but right now I'm just loving life" he replies making me chuckle.

"Good luck with that" I tease as I hear the doorknob jiggle. "You coming to dinner tonight?" I ask curiously as the door opens and Josh steps in.

"Maybe" Zay replies playfully. "What's in it for me?"

"A girl apparently" I shrug. "Plus I'll be there" I add happily as Josh steps out of his shoes and pulls off his jacket before coming to take a seat beside me. He plops down and his hand automatically finds it's way to my knee.

"Sounds too good to pass up" he says making me chuckle. "I'll see you later Maya."

"See ya Zay" I reply before hanging up and turning my attention to my boyfriend. "How was class?" I ask as I look at him curiously, my hand intertwining with his.

"Boring without you" he replies honestly. "I never realized how much faster that class went with you in it" he adds making me smile.

"You're cute" I say happily as I lean forward to kiss him. As soon as our lips connect suddenly the playful nature of our conversation evaporates and his lips are dominating mine in a deep, passionate kiss that sends shivers down my spine. I grab onto the back of his neck, climbing into his lap as his tongue slips into my mouth making a moan reverberate from the back of my throat into the kiss. Suddenly my hands are reaching for the hem of his shirt and we're pulling apart to remove our tops before crashing back together.

I reach for his belt at the same time his hands wrap around my back and he grasp the clasp of my bra in his hands before unsnapping it and letting it fall to the couch. I continue my task in getting his belt unbuckled and I finally succeed but unfortunately our luck epically sucks.

"Sweetheart" Amy says as she knocks lightly on the door.

Sweetheart. Well that certainly kills the mood.

"Fuck" Josh moans in annoyance letting his head fall back as his hands run down his face in frustration. "Can't I have five fucking minutes alone with you?" he whisper yells making me chuckle.

"They have to go home eventually" I point out positively.

"Not soon enough" he sighs as he looks up at me. "Up, up gorgeous" he instructs as he pats my leg. I climb off his lap and grab my discarded clothing from the floor while he pulls his shirt back on and buckles his belt.

"I'm gonna go fix myself' I chuckle as I kiss his cheek and head off the bathroom. I decide on a light purple dress to wear to dinner and pair it with a pair of nude wedges. I run a brush through my stubborn locks and swipe some mascara on my lashes before waltzing back into the living room.

"Woah" Josh says as his eyes lock on mine. His parents gaze follows and I blush as I make my way over my boyfriend.

"Sorry. I was getting ready" I apologize as I make my way to Josh's side, letting him put his arm around my torso.

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