26. Moving On

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I wake up around five in the morning feeling nauseous as per usual. I sneak out of bed and wander to the bathroom. I throw up, brush my teeth and slip back into my dress from last night before pulling open the door of the hotel room. We're on the first floor so it only takes a few steps to reach the door to outside. I yank it open and find a bench, enjoying the fresh Texas air. I had forgotten how actually amazing this place was. It was so peaceful and beautiful. It was the kinda place where you could forget all your problems. "Couldn't sleep?" Riley asks as she appears in the doorway and comes to sit beside me.

"What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be spending some quality time with a cowboy?" I tease as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"We've spent plenty quality time together" she assures me with a laugh. "What about you? Why are you up so early?"

"Morning sickness" I shrug. "I wanted some fresh air."

"It's amazing here isn't it?" she beams. I turn my face to look at her and furrow my eyebrows.

"Is this where you're planning to live someday?" I ask my best friend, the thought of her being thousands of miles away making my heart ache.

"I mean Lucas has his family's farm out here" she shrugs. "Would it be so bad?" she asks and with the genuine smile I see on her lips I know I can't be selfish.

"If it's what you want I think you should do it" I smile. "Though you know I'll miss you like crazy" I add as she nods and rests her head on my shoulder.

"I'd miss you too Peaches" she sighs as her eyes land on the horizon. "Oh my gosh look" she exclaims, pointing out at the sky. I follow her eyes and see the sun peaking up, the sky a mixture of orange and pinks. "Imagine waking up to that every day."

"You and Huckleberry would have to get up pretty early" I tease making her giggle. "Hey Riles" I say softly, catching her attention.

"Yea?" she asks sweetly.

"Promise me we'll always be friends. No matter what happens." She looks up at me and smiles.

"We will always be friends no matter what happens" she assures me as she holds up her hand. "Thunder."

I giggle and clasp my hand in hers. "Lightning."


"There you are" Josh smiles as his eyes flutter open as I shut the door. "I was wondering where you ran off to."

"Just with Riles" I shrug as I kick off my shoes and my jacket. "We watched the sunrise" I explain as I climb into bed beside him.

"Oh yea?" he asks as he wraps his arm around my waist. "How was it?"

"Beautiful" I gush. "There is nothing like a Texas sunrise. No ambient light, just the sun and the sky. It's amazing."

"Maybe we should move to the country then" he replies making me giggle as I look down at him, pushing his shaggy brunette hair back from his eyes.

"Yea? After we just put a down payment on a house in New York?" I giggle.

"Maybe after the kid goes off to college" he suggests making me laugh as I stare lovingly into his blue eyes. "What?" he asks, smiling up at me.

"Nothing" I shake my head. "I just love you a lot" I add making him smile as he leans up to kiss me, his lips lingering on mine. I deepen the kiss, sliding my hands around the back of his neck and pulling his body down over mine. He grips my waist firmly and starts trailing kisses down my neck making a sigh tumble from my lips.

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