41. It's a...

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"Are you still coming with me today?" I ask Josh while I'm standing in front of the mirrow running a flat iron over my stubborn curls. He climbs out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist, nodding his head.

"Unless you don't want me there" he replies carefully. It had been two weeks since his birthday and tow weeks since our fight. We were getting along fairly well but both of us seemed to be on edge, thinking that it was only a matter of time before one of us blee up again.

"I do" I nod. "You still haven't seen the kiddo yet" I remind him with a sad smile.

"I know" he sighs, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my shoulder. "I know things have been rocky lately but I love you. You know that right?" he murmurs making my heart swell as I nod.

"I know" I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you too."

"Good" he replies happily, letting out a breath of relief. "I was thinking that after the appointment we could run some errands and maybe go out to dinner."

"Yea?" I question, unplugging my flat iron before turning around to face him. "Like a date?"

"Exactly like one" he nods. "I feel like treating you to a night out. I think we could both use it" he adds.

"Mkay" I hum, "what should I wear?" I ask curiously, leaning against the counter. My back was beginning to bother me quite a bit as of late. I hoped it wouldn't last throughout the rest of my pregnancy but I wasn't holding my breath.

"Anything you want" he replies with a bright smile. "Anything that you feel gorgeous in."

"Okay" I nod. "Don't forget we have to leave in fifteen minutes" I add as I run my fingers down his chest, catching stray water droplets as I move them towards where his v lines disappeared beneath his towel.

"Keep that up and we'll be late" he smirks making a blush rise on my cheeks as I look up at him.

"I'll meet you at the door" I murmur before slipping past him.


"The women in these magazines seem far too perky to be new mothers" Josh states as he flips through one of the many parenting magazines that were scattered on the tables in front of the chairs in the waiting room.

I chuckle, looking over at glossy pages filled with women with perfect bodies and bright smiles. There wasn't a stretch mark or bag under their eye to be found. "That's so unrealistic" I murmur.

"Just a tad" he agrees, tossing the magazine back onto the table before taking my hand in his. "Maybe you should model for them. You're more gorgeous than any of them."

"You're such a suck-up" I laugh lightly. "You trying to get lucky?"

"I already got lucky. That's why we're here" he reminds me playfully. "I'm just telling you the truth. You're gorgeous Maya."

I smile, leaning forward to peck his lips. "Maya Hunter" the nurse calls. I take a deep breath and stand up, slipping my hand into Josh's as we head back to the exam room. I take a seat on the bed with the help of Josh before he takes a seat beside me.

"So. You're about twenty-two weeks now correct?" the nurse checks as she logs into her computer. I nod in agreement.

"Mhm" I hum. She enters the information into the computer before turning back to face me.

"Today should be a fairly fun and easy appointment. I'm going to take some measurements of your belly and make sure you're on track, we"ll take your weight, blood pressure" she lists. "We also need to do some blood work to check your glucose and iron levels" she explains, "but that's all routine and once you're all done we'll bring the doctor in and you'll get to see your baby. That sound okay?" she asks.

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