21. Living La Vida Stressful

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Back to Maya's POV

I somehow make it to the building I called home for so long but I can't bring myself to walk inside. I was scared and I didn't want to. I wanted to turn back around and go back home. Go back to Josh. I wanted to lay in his arms and hear him whisper that everything was going to be okay, that he loved me.

Tears start spilling down my face again and I'm sobbing so hard I can't catch my breath.

Knock. Knock.

The noise startles me but nothing is more shocking than the eyes I lock with.

He was such a stubborn idiot but he was my stubborn idiot. I find myself pulling my door open as he steps back and I throw myself into his arms. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Josh asks, holding me so tight I swear me might break me. "Jesus Maya you scared the fuck out of me" he exclaims.

"I'm sorry" I apologize quickly. "He's gonna tell, Josh" I cry as he runs his hands down my back soothingly.

"Like I give a shit" he replies, "I can figure something else out Maya, if he hurt you" he trails off as he pulls back and looks at me. "Don't you ever leave me again" he scolds, "I've never been that scared Maya."

"I'm fine" I assure him.

"Not for long" Derek says, walking out the front door of the apartment building with a bottle of beer to his lips. "Baby we talked about this" he tsks.

"She's changed her mind" Josh says sternly, grabbing my hand. "If you don't mind I'm taking her home."

"This is her home" Derek slurs angrily, "I don't know who the hell you think you are pretty boy but she's mine."

"She's not someone's property, she's a person but she is my girlfriend and I'm taking her home where she belongs" Josh insists, tugging my backwards towards his car. I should ask what we're gonna do about my car but right now I don't actually care too much.

"She belongs with me" he slurs, "why is that so hard for you to wrap your head around" he asks annoyed.

"She is coming home with me. End of discussion" Josh says as he pushes me towards the car. I climb inside while Josh comes around to the other side.

"You're really willing to give up such a promising future for some slut like her. She's only good for one thing" Derek spits. I see Josh's jaw clench in anger and I just pray he doesn't do something stupid.

"I'd give up everything for her" he says instead before climbing into the car and driving us home.


We ride back to the apartment in silence though his hand is intertwined with mine. I know he's mad but I know there's a bigger part that's just happy that I'm here and away from Derek.

When we get into the house he closes the door and I walk back into the bedroom, putting my stuff back in place, startled by Josh's voice. "I seriously cannot believe you did that" he mutters. I keep my eyes on my stuff, not wanting to look into his sad eyes.

"I'm sorry" I whisper, "I told you I didn't want to ruin your future and I'm doing exactly that" I exclaim in frustration.

"Maya" he says softly, walking over to me and wrapping me up in his arms. I drop my task and hug him back. "You do remember he hurt you don't you? Like physically" he reminds me, "and you think I give a shit about my job" he exclaims.

"You've worked too hard to give it all up for me" I murmur as I break out of his arms and walk over to the closet to put my stuff back. Josh catches my wrist and pulls me against him again.

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