11. Throwing Punches

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The rest of the week passes in a blur. I never put much thought into how it would feel to live alone but I actually sorta love it. Except I find myself wanting to call Josh to come keep me company. At least I'll have Zay to distract me for the next few days.

"Honey Nugget" Zay exclaims as he ambushes me outside of my art class.

"Zay" I gasp in shock. "What are you doing here? Riles and I were supposed to pick you up after our classes."

"Yea well you know Rucas" he shrugs making me laugh as he walks towards me. "So what? No hug?"

"Are you kidding?" I laugh as I pull him into my arms. "It's so good to see you. I missed you so much."

"Missed you too Blonde Beauty" he replies making a smile pull at my lips. "So what are we doing tonight?" he asks as he pulls away from me.

"Oh, just wait. It's gonna be epic."


"Nope" Zay vetoes yet another outfit making me laugh as I return back to my closet. Zay was picking apart my fridge looking for everything and anything to eat before we go out. "When the hell are Riley and Lucas gonna be here?" he complains making me laugh.

"They probably haven't left Riley's bed since he surprised her this afternoon" I laugh. It wasn't like Riley and Lucas were the kind of couple in high school that hooked up in every dark corner, in fact they didn't even finally have sex until senior year but absence made the heart grow fonder and it made it harder to leave the bedroom after a reunion.

"Ugh" he moans in annoyance making me laugh as I hear my phone ringing on the nightstand. I grab it and a smile pulls at my lips as I read the caller ID.

"The damsel in distress you're trying to reach is fine" I tease making Josh laugh. I can just imagine his blue eyes sparkling with amusement on the other side of the line.

"Gorgeous. Always a pleasure" he replies playfully. "So um I told you that I'd come out tonight but you forgot to tell me exactly where I was meeting you."

"Oh. I'm sorry" I laugh. "You must've just distracted me" I smirk.

"Have you already started drinking?" he asks playfully.

"Nope. Sober as ever babe" I reply making him chuckle. "Anyway, we're just going to the Endzone. It's just off."

"Campus" he interrupts me. "Maya I was a student at NYU like two semesters ago" he reminds me.

"Yea, yea" I tease playfully. "See you soon?"

"Of course. Bye gorgeous."

"Bye Josh" I reply before hanging up my phone and finding an openmouthed Zay staring at me when I look up.

"Boyfriend?" he asks making a blush rise on my cheeks as I put my phone down.

"Not really" I shrug. "It's complicated" I add as I turn to my closet. "Now come on. Help me find something to wear."


"Hey other one" Lucas greets me as I walk into the club with Zay on my heels.

"Ranger Rick" I exclaim as I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I missed you."

"Have you been drinking already?" he asks playfully as he pulls away from me.

"No" I protest with a laugh. "What you didn't miss me?"

"Course I did" he smiles as he drapes his arm around my shoulders. "Thanks for taking care of my girl" he adds as he motions to Riley talking to Zay.

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