46. Crash

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For the past three weeks paranoia has taken over my life. Every time my phone rang I jumped, every jogger outside going for the run gained my suspicion and when Josh and I left the house I clung to him like a newborn gorilla clings to its mother. "Are you sure you have to go to work?" I ask Josh frantically.

About a week ago I had broken down and told him about the call and since then he's assured me that Derek didn't know where we lived or know anything about the baby so I had no reason to worry. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was pretty sure that Derek had been the person I felt watching us for months which meant he knew exactly where we lived and he definitely knew that I was pregnant.

"Baby you'll be fine" he smiles, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. "I'm only one phone call away but I have to go work. We are going to have another mouth to feed in two months" he adds, placing his hand over my swollen belly. "I love you" he says, pecking my lips.

"I love you too" I sigh, kissing him back before allowing him to step back and walk out of our bedroom. I lean back on the bed and let out a deep sigh. I hated feeling so scared. Derek already took enough out of me, it was unfair that he was ruining what was left of my pregnancy and tainting my happiness.

My phone rings on the nightstand and I jump before taking a soothing breath and reaching over to grab it. I'm relieved to find my mom's name flashing on the screen. "Hey mama" I greet her.

"Hi baby girl, it's been a while. What are you up to?" she asks curiously. Oh you know, being stalked by my crazy ex.

"Nothing" I reply instead.

"Great" she exclaims excitedly. "I thought it would be fun to have a mother daughter day. I was thinking lunch and then maybe we could go do some baby shopping. You know how much I already want to spoil the little boy" she squeals making me chuckle.

My son would certainly never have to want for anything. "I don't know mama. Driving isn't exactly east being thirty weeks pregnant" I chuckle.

"Oh I know but it would be so good to see you."

I take my bottom lip between my teeth and let out a deep sigh. "Yea okay" I concede. "I'll be at your place in like twenty minutes" I assure her.

"Yay" she squeals. "See you soon baby girl" she adds before we hang up. I quickly change into a pair of yoga pants and a maternity top before slipping into a pair of flats and heading out the front door.

It was a beautiful May morning with the smell of flowers invading my senses and the bright blue sky shining above me. It was certainly spring in New York.

I smile, slipping into my car and checking the mirrors since my boyfriend who also drove this car from time to time was much taller than me. Once the car is situated I pull out into traffic and head off on my way to my mother's house. As I pull up to the first red light I take the opportunity to look around and check my surroundings before easing out into traffic again when the light turns green.

Once I'm about halfway there I'm starting to relax and I'm actually enjoying the freedom I feel. I stop at yet another red light and tap my fingers against the steering wheel before deciding to turn on the radio.

As the light turns green the song A Thousand Years comes on and I begin singing along as I ease out to traffic but I only manage to get out three words before everything goes black.


Josh's POV

I'm at work when my phone rings with a call from Maya's mother. "Uh hey Katy. What's up?" I ask conversationally despite the fact that I'm at work and I could get in serious trouble for this.

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