Part One: Growing Up

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Nyla was a girl used to being on her own. Her long brown hair, hazel eyes, and fantastic shape made her the envy of most girls. She never cared though. At J.T. Jones Middle School, she was the most popular girl in her 7th grade class. Nyla was very aware of boys liking her, but she never paid them any mind.

Tim: Hey girl. What class you going to?

Nyla smiled, rolled her eyes, and closed her locker.

Nyla: Why you need to know Tim?

Tim: Just trying to talk to you. I can't talk to you?

Nyla: If you can walk and talk then yeah. We both have somewhere to be.

Tim: Meet me by the stairwell before lunch.

Nyla already knew what he wanted because she knew he liked her. The only problem is, she hasn't had her first kiss.

Nyla: I won't make any promises. Bye Tim.

As soon as it was time for lunch, Nyla avoided the stairwell. She didn't want to kiss Tim anyway. He wasn't the kind of guy she wanted her first kiss to be. She met a few of her friends in the hallway. Penny, the light skinned one with a bob haircut was the funny one out of the three girls. Lyric, the dark one with curly hair was the oldest and the one that had more experience.

Nyla: Tim wanted me to meet him by the stairwell.

Penny: I knew he liked you this whole time. He liked everybody before.

Lyric: Why you ain't meet him?

Nyla: Because I don't like him. I'm not about to kiss him.

Penny: Ain't no telling what his breath smell like.

They all laughed.

Lyric: Have you even had a first kiss?

Nyla: Yes.

She lied.

Penny: I haven't and I'm not ashamed. These boys don't deserve my lips yet. Either that or nobody wants to kiss me.

Nyla: Y'all stupid.

After school they all waited outside the front of the school for their rides. Jordan, the class clown, came over to mess with them.

Jordan: Hey baby.

He was referring to Lyric.

Lyric: Boy get the hell back. You know I'm done with you.

Jordan: You say that now but I know you don't mean it.

Lyric: Yes I do Jordan. Leave me alone.

Jordan: Whatever. Wassup Penny?

Penny: I don't like you and you know that.

Jordan: Shit y'all rude. I know Nyla nice. Hey Ny.

Nyla grinned.

Nyla: Hey Jordan. What you got going?

Jordan: Nothing, you know me. Your people almost here?

Nyla's mother, Lynn, had just pulled up.

Nyla: Obviously. Bye y'all. See you tomorrow.

Nyla hopped in the car.

Lynn: Put your stuff in the back. We're going out to eat tonight.

They pulled up to the restaurant and Nyla saw her daddy, David. She was a daddy's girl and she just couldn't help it. Her mother couldn't blame her. She was madly in love with him. Nyla jumped out of the car and ran to him. They hugged each other tightly and he kissed Lynn the way she liked it.

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