Chapter Seven: Second Best

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Lynn walked over to Nyla on the couch knocked out. She took a small piece of her hair and tickled the inside of Nyla's ear to wake her up. Nyla slapped herself on the side of her head and woke herself up while attempting to get the itch inside of her ear. Lynn laughed hysterically.

Nyla: What you do that for?!

Lynn: Get up. You got company coming today, remember?

Nyla got up instantly.

Nyla: What time is it?

Lynn: It's only eleven.

Nyla: Good. I still have time to get ready.

She folded her blanket and slid her purple house shoes on. Lynn grabbed the cups off of the coffee table.

Lynn: I'll be gone for most of the day so y'all will have the house to y'all's selves. I'm leaving Josh here so you'll have a little bit of responsibility. I'm trusting you to not spread your legs in this house!

Nyla: I won't do anything mama!

"But that doesn't mean he won't," she said to herself. She snapped back into reality.

Nyla: So where are you going?

Lynn: Don't worry about that. I'll be back later on today around seven. I'm leaving at two. When will he be here?

Nyla: One o'clock I guess. Just so you can meet him.

Lynn: Okay.

Lynn walked to the kitchen and began running dishwater. Nyla ran upstairs to straighten up her room a little. She pulled out a pair of pink Nike shorts and a white t-shirt with Whitley E. Basketball printed on it. She wore her sky blue painted toes out. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. Her hair was put in a messy bun. Her eyes looked greener today which, to her, meant she would get lucky.

She ran back downstairs to grab her phone and call Kyle.

Kyle: Hello?

Nyla: You coming over?

Kyle: Yeah, what time?

Nyla: One. No later than one.

Kyle: Alright then. Bye.

Nyla hung up. She woke Penny up so get could get off of the sofa.

Nyla: Go up to Naomi's room if you want to sleep.

Penny drug herself up the stairs to Naomi's old room. The pregnancy symptoms were getting to her.

Penny: I want some peanut butter and grapes Nyla.

Nyla: Go upstairs!

Penny: Bitch.

Penny walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen. After she had her desired food in her arms, she went upstairs to eat, sleep, and watch the television. It felt as if time was going by fast. It was now twelve thirty. Josh decided to nap with Penny which was even better for Nyla. Lynn came down the stairs in blue jeans and a white blouse with a blazer.

Lynn: Girl why you got those shorts on? It's fall.

Nyla: I'll just be in the house.

Lynn: Don't be fast while I'm gone.

Nyla: Yes ma'am.

Lynn sat on the couch waiting for Kyle's arrival. She had other things on her mind as well.

Lynn: Did you tell him the address?

Nyla: Yes mama!

Lynn: Don't get loud. It was just a question.

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