Chapter Thirteen: Change In Attitude

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Naomi was still emotionally and physically scarred from her graduation night. It was now early July, about a month passed since then. Nyla and Devon are still going strong after almost two years now. Naomi envied their love considering that when she was her age, she couldn't find anyone like that.

Nyla stayed in bed on a Saturday morning. She had no plans today. Naomi, in a month long depression, didn't do anything either except lay in her tears. David worked early that morning leaving Lynn home with Josh. Naomi barely had an appetite. Nyla decided to get out of her bed to check on Naomi. She knew something wasn't right because it had been a while since Naomi was herself. Nyla knocked in Naomi's door.

Nyla: Nae let me in.

Naomi: Go away Nyla.

Nyla: Let me in.

Naomi surrendered and opened the door.

Nyla: What's wrong?

Naomi: Nothing.

Nyla: You've been quiet lately Nae. I know something is wrong.

Naomi: I love you Nyla, you know that, but can you please leave?

Nyla left out of the room and shortly Naomi began crying her eyes out.

"Why did it happen to me?! I didn't deserve that!"

Nyla heard her crying from the hall but she didn't want to bother her anymore. She walked downstairs and saw Lynn and Josh on the couch. There was no food being cooked so Nyla was pissed.

Nyla: Where's the food?!

Lynn: Who you talking to like that? You need to go back upstairs, come back down, and try that again.

Nyla rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen. Lynn didn't see her roll her eyes though. She went through the cabinets and found a bowl. There was Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the pantry. She grabbed the box and poured the cereal. She walked over to the refrigerator to get the milk. There was no milk.

Nyla: MAMA!

Lynn: What, girl?!

Nyla walked into the living room.

Nyla: Where's the milk?!

Lynn: Hell I don't know.

Nyla was pissed. She poured the dry cereal back into the box and put the bowl in the sink.

"Somebody need to go to the damn store then. Shit, I'm hungry as hell," she mumbled to herself.

She grabbed her phone and stormed outside. She called Devon.

Nyla: Devon, can you bring me some McDonald's?

Devon: You want what you normally get?

Nyla: Of course.

Devon: On my way.

While Nyla sat outside waiting for Devon, a group of girls stepped into her yard. Three girls stood boldly in front of her as if they either had a lot to say or they wanted to fight. Nyla was right about both. One was brown, another was dark, and the other was damn near white. Nyla stayed seated. She wasn't worried about what they had to say.

Nyla: Can I help y'all?

Dark skin: I'm Lyric's cousin.

Nyla laughed.

Nyla: Okay?

Dark skin: I heard you jumped her a while back with one of your little friends.

Nyla: Okay, first of all, I didn't jump her and secondly, that was a month ago.

Dark skin: I don't care. If you touch her again, it'll be us against you.

Nyla stood up and walked towards her. She looked down upon her literally. She stood a good 5'3 and Nyla was a good three inches taller.

Nyla: Don't tempt me. You're not the only one with people that stand ten toes behind you.

Nyla stepped closer to her making her step back to avoid contact.

Dark skin: I'll beat your ass girl. Don't play with me.

Nyla: Oh and I'm supposed to be scared?

The other two girls didn't have anything to say. They were just there for show.

Nyla: So when you wanna do this?

Dark skin: Get out my face.

Nyla: Don't be a lil bitch now. You stepped in my yard all bold and shit. Give me a place and a time.

Neither of the girls said anything. Nyla walked off and sat on the steps again. As she walked off, the girls stood there.

Nyla: Why y'all still here?! Bye.

The girls flipped her off and walked in the direction of the park.

Light skin: She brave as hell.

Dark skin: She'll have hers coming one day. Just wait.

Devon pulled up in front of her house with her McGriddle and orange juice.

Nyla: Bacon and cheese?

Devon: Yes, girl. I know how you like it.

There was a short pause.

Devon: So why did I have to bring you food?

Nyla: She didn't cook and we didn't have any milk.

There was another pause in the conversation.

Devon: Well, I have a job now.

Nyla nodded her head while she chewed her food. With a mouth full of McGriddle, she asked where.

Devon: Hollister. I start tomorrow.

Nyla: Congratulations babe.

They looked out over the road. Birds were chirping and the neighborhood was quiet. The sun was blazing, but the shade was cool. They sat and talked for a good hour until they went inside. Meanwhile, Naomi stayed in her room majority of the day.

"I feel so drained. I can't tell anyone. I'm too embarrassed."

She stood up and looked into the mirror.

"I'll be okay. I'm still pretty, I think. I'm strong... I think."

She heard a knock at the door.

Lynn: Nae, come out of this room. This isn't like you at all.

Naomi thought to herself, "Leave me the fuck alone."

She continued to look into the mirror.

"I need to slow my life down. I grew up too fast. I can't just sit here and be hurt by this. It happened a month ago and I let it happen. I trusted someone too fast, and that won't happen again."

She made her bed, brushed her teeth, fixed her hair, and put some clothes on. As soon as she felt beautiful enough, she walked down the stairs.

Naomi: Hey Devon. When did you get here?

Devon: About an hour ago.

Nyla: You feeling better Nae?

Naomi ignored the question.

Naomi: Anybody want some food back? I'm going to Jada's house.

Lynn: No we're fine. Be careful on the road.

Naomi walked out of the house without another word.

Nyla: You know what's wrong with her?

Lynn: Not a clue girl. Not a clue. She's been acting weird for a while now.

The four of them sat in the living room watching television. Josh in Lynn's lap and Nyla leaning on Devon's chest. Everyone was comfortable.

Naomi started the car and she drove to Jada's house. She rarely went to Jada's house uninvited. The only time she went was when she had crazy thoughts about life. Jada was more than her best friend, she was her diary.

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