Chapter Eight: Game Night Pt. 1

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Nyla stood in the kitchen as Lynn made coffee. The bacon, eggs, and pancakes were ready. Today was the day Naomi would come home. Taylor, Tiffany, Jason, and Adam were visiting today too. Everyone expected Tammy to make it over with her child, but no one really heard from her about it. By the way, she wasn't as bitchy as she used to be. Something changed her.

Nyla: Is David coming over?

Lynn: He might. Just to see Naomi.

Nyla: Does she know?

Lynn: I doubt it.

Lynn took a deep breath.

Lynn: I'm inviting my friend Keith on Thanksgiving.

Nyla cocked her head to the side.

Nyla: When did y'all start talking?

Lynn: We've just been friends for a while.

Nyla: Riiiight!

They both laughed. Nyla went upstairs to get her clothes out. Penny was upstairs kind of awake.

Nyla: So when do you plan on leaving?

Penny: What you talking about?

Nyla: I mean, you can't live here forever.

Penny: I know that.

Nyla: Well, you'll have to get a job too.

Penny: I'm still pregnant!

Nyla: I know!

Penny: Whatever.

Nyla brushed her off and tended to her own business.

Nyla: Today Jason and Adam coming over.

Penny didn't say a word. She didn't want Jason to see her pregnant. Her stomach was showing a little more now. A few seconds passed and she spoke.

Penny: Why they coming over?

Nyla: Just a little game night.

Penny: I'll stay up here.

Nyla: Why? Naomi coming today too.

Penny: Alright I'll come down.

Penny got out of the bed and sat on the floor digging in her suitcase. Nyla turned the shower water on.

Nyla: So you haven't talked to your mama at all?

Penny: She's been calling but I haven't picked up.

Nyla: She's worried.

Penny: I know.

Nyla said nothing back. Her best friend was being an idiot. She closed the door and took her shower. Lynn was downstairs cleaning and watching Josh when there was a knocking at the front door. She was hoping it was Naomi. She opened the door and there stood David.

Lynn: Why are you so early?

David: Naomi doesn't know yet.

Lynn: Right. You can just sit on the couch like you normally did.

She was implying that he never did shit before so there was no reason to start now. David picked Josh up off of the floor and tossed him playfully in the air.

Nyla got out of the shower and threw her clothes on. It just hit noon. Naomi was expected to come home around two. Penny hopped into the shower after Nyla. Nyla ran downstairs fully dressed with dark blue skinny jeans and a red t-shirt. Her hair was in a blonde, curly messy bun on the top of her head. Her toes were painted black. She saw no reason to put shoes on since it was her house. She spotted David on the couch, but paid him no mind because he was no longer the man she knew.

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