Chapter Three: Regret

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Nyla woke up the next morning. Her hair was messed and her t-shirt was wrinkled. She walked to Penny's bathroom located across the hall and started the shower. While the water was running, she stared at herself in the mirror.

"What have I become?"

She traced her fingers on her skin and examined her hair. Everything about her changed over the years. She just needed to get her life together. She soon checked the water. When it was hot enough, she closed the door to undress herself. She stood there looking in the mirror. She admired her body. Her eyes walked on the reflection of herself. They ran across her lower abdominal tattoo. It was a rose that resembled the first one Devon gave her on the night in which she lost her virginity. She rubbed the tattoo and stepped into the shower. A million thoughts raced through her mind. It was only five forty-five in the morning. She envisioned fantasies with Devon. Especially memories. She imagined his hands roaming her body in a sensual way; grabbing her ass and kissing her chest. She wanted his love again. She realized that all of the guys she had been sleeping with did not compare to Devon. The image of his face popped into her head. His smile turned her on. She placed her hand between her legs as the hot water ran down her body. She could feel him pressed against her as if it was the night in the hotel. She rubbed herself and moaned, "I need you."

Her body was fully washed. She dried off and put her clothes on. She wore light colored high waisted jeans and a Tupac t-shirt. The sandals she wore were black and gold. A gold chain hung from her neck and two gold rings surrounded her left pinky and right ring finger. She wore her hair curly since she didn't have time to straighten it. After she brushed her teeth, she went to check on Penny. She was in the middle of getting dressed.

Penny: Why you dressed up?

Nyla: Because I don't feel like bumming today.

Penny wore black leggings and a sheer grey top that showed her belly button. She was hoping she wouldn't get caught. Her shoes were studded sandals in which her blue toes complemented.

The girls walked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of snacks. Nyla grabbed a bag of Doritos and strawberry flavored fruit snacks. Penny grabbed a plastic bowl and top to put some rotel in. Both girls took two blue powerades out of the refrigerator and walked out to Nyla's car.

Penny: So how you keeping gas in here? With what money?

Nyla: Fifty that I stole from my mama is strictly for gas. The other money in my pocket is for food and clothes.

Penny: Oh.

Nyla noticed that Penny was rather blunt than usual. Her whole attitude was careless.

They continued down the road on their way to school.

Nyla: You changed Penny.

Penny: How?

Nyla: You so blunt now!

Penny: I just don't have much to say anymore.

Nyla: Why?!

Penny: Mad at the world. I really don't want to talk about it.

Nyla: Fine.

The ride to school was finished in silence. The girls hopped out of the car and walked into the gym separately. There was an awkward tension between them.

Nyla found her seat in the bleachers next to her friends Damien and Elyse.

Damien: Damn girl, where you been?

Damien was Nyla's closest gay friend. He was short with toffee brown skin. His body was toned and his hair was curly. He wore jeans with cuffs at the bottom and a red Hawaiian shirt with tan Sperry's.

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