Chapter One: Eviction

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Lynn pulled into the driveway within thirty minutes Nyla was at home. Nyla was in her room on the phone with Mark when she walked into the house. Josh played in his room across the hall from Nyla. Nyla had not heard the door open. She and Mark were having phone sex. She played with herself between her legs as he seductively told her what he would do to her in private. She licked her lips and slightly moaned. The heavy front door was opened, but Nyla had no clue. She couldn't hear much since her ears were filled with the fantasies of Mark's mind. She heard a single floorboard creak luckily. She had the feeling someone walking up the stairs.

Nyla: Mark, I gotta go.

Mark: Baby, no!

Nyla hung up.

In a hurry, Nyla slid her shorts back on and washed her hands. Lynn walked into her room right after she jumped back into the bed.

Lynn: Clean this shit up and come downstairs so we can talk.

Lynn thought her room was a mess, but isn't that what most parents think when there really isn't a mess at all and they're pissed off with their kids?

Nyla: It's not even--

Lynn interrupted her with a certain look that made Nyla uneasy. She thought to herself, "I'm about to die."

She folded her blankets and hung her two shirts in the closet. There was nothing else to be done. She made her way downstairs to where Lynn was. She sat on the couch across from Lynn.

Lynn: So where did you go last night?

Nyla: A party.

Lynn: You could've just asked to go to a party, you know that right?

Nyla was silent as she toyed with her hands.

Lynn: You hear me talking to you!

Nyla: Yeah! I know!

Lynn: So why did you sneak out?

Tears formed in Nyla's eyes and flames grew larger in Lynn's.

Nyla: I don't know mama!

Lynn: Don't lie to me.

Nyla said nothing.

Lynn: Maybe you need time to think things through.

Nyla said nothing.

Lynn: Since you feel the need to say nothing, I'll speak.

There was a short pause.

Lynn: You need to get out. You need to get out today. Two weeks.

Nyla: Mama!

Lynn: No, don't speak now! Get out! I don't know where you supposed to go, but you need to get out!

The tears rushed down her face. She stood up from the table and grabbed Lynn's sleeve. See tugged on Lynn's sleeve and begged for her to let her stay. Lynn didn't want to put her baby girl out, but she had to learn a valuable lesson.

Nyla: Where am I supposed to go?!

Lynn: Ask one of the boys you're messing around with.

There was a pause. She hit Nyla hard with that sentence.

Lynn: Nyla, I was once your age. You think I'm dumb and have no clue what's going on. I know you've had sex, and your first was probably Devon. I wish you could understand how much I really care about you and love you. The only way for you to learn is by experience, so you have to go.

Nyla stormed upstairs and packed her bags with everything she needed. She packed about two week's worth of clothes along with her work uniform. After her bags were packed, she kissed Josh goodbye. Before she headed downstairs to the front door she called Devon.

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