Chapter Five: Jealousy

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After that day, Patrick and Nyla avoided each other. Nothing between them was the same. Nyla wasn't really worried about it even though she hoped he would come back around soon. Until then, Devon kept her company. Nyla saw Devon walking on a Thursday afternoon and asked him to come her house.

Nyla: Hey boy.

Devon: Hey, wassup?

Nyla: Just wanted you to come over and talk to me.

Devon: Okay, I can do that.

Devon sat down beside her. He looked at her. He adored everything about her from her body to her personality.

Nyla: You busy this weekend?

Devon: No, why?

Nyla: You want to go to the movies with me?

Devon: Yeah I'll meet you up there.

Nyla was happy. She liked Devon and he gave her attention but a part of her still loved Patrick. She just didn't want to admit it.

Devon and Nyla sat outside for about four hours. The only reason she went inside was because it was time to eat.

Lynn: Who is that boy that be on my steps?

Nyla: Just my friend mama.

Naomi: No the hell---

Lynn gave her the 'what you said?' look.

Naomi: I mean... What you mean by friend?


Lynn: Patrick is okay with that? Because that boy that's your friend isn't ugly.

Nyla: Yeah, he's okay with it.

Lynn didn't think so but it was the least of her concern.

Naomi: Mama you okay?

Lynn: Yeah baby I'm fine, why?

Naomi: You've been eating a lot lately.

Lynn knew something was off. Nausea and cravings.

Lynn: Oh I've just been hungry.

Lynn had to lie to her own children. She was grown. She shouldn't have to do that. Now just wasn't the right time.

After dinner, Nyla and Naomi walked upstairs to go into their rooms. Like always, Naomi picked up the phone and called Jada.

Naomi: I kind of miss Ty.

Jada: I mean he was your first. Of course you do. All you need is some new dick.

Naomi laughed.

Naomi: It's not that easy though. I'm just stuck on him.

Jada: Then Saturday, I will make you meet someone new.

They got off of the phone early considering it was a school night.

The next morning, Naomi dreaded going to school like every other day. As well as Nyla. Nyla didn't really have a reason to be excited about it since she and Patrick no longer talked like they used to. She nearly hated him for doing her the way he did. They rode to school with the music blasting and Starbucks coffees in their hands. Nyla felt like she was in a movie.

First block with a Patrick and Lyric was awkward. Two people she hated in one room, how lovely.

Lyric: So umm... Patrick, you want to go to the movies Saturday?

She said it loud enough so Nyla could hear it. Nyla's response to it was an eye roll.

Patrick: Yeah, I'll see you there then. Tell me where you'll be.

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