Chapter Nineteen: The Sneak Out

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Naomi started the car and waited for everyone to sneak out of the window. She wore sweats and a hoodie with Nike dunks. Actually, everyone wore sweats and t-shirts with some type of tennis shoes. Jason sat in the front and Taylor and Adam sat in the back.

Adam: So where he live?

Naomi: In Burlap.

Adam: Damn that's far.

Naomi: Just forty-five minutes away.

The trip felt longer than it was. Jason fell asleep in the front seat with his head cocked to the side while Adam played on his phone. Taylor talked on the phone with one of her "guy friends" most of the time. Naomi sat there driving lost in her thoughts.

Meanwhile back at the house, Nyla and Penny heated up some leftovers in the microwave. Nyla warmed up some greens and cornbread while Penny put the chicken in the microwave. Nyla turned to Penny with her hand on the refrigerator.

Nyla: So you never told me you liked Jason.

Penny blushed.

Penny: I never even knew I did myself.

Nyla: Mhmm, so how was it?

Penny: It was fine. That was my first kiss though.

Nyla: Stop lying!

She playfully pushed her.

Penny: Okay well he was my second. No joke.

Nyla: Alright, I'll accept that.

Nyla put the pot of greens and bowl of chicken back into the fridge.

Penny: So what if your mama wakes up?

Nyla: We'll have to think of something.

Penny: Pillows?

Nyla: Yeah I guess that'll work. She doesn't really check on us though. We'll just say they upstairs sleeping or some shit like that.

Penny: What if she go check on them?

Nyla closed the fridge and looked back at her.

Nyla: That's where the pillows and covers come in.

They pulled plates from the cabinet and took seats on the couch in the living room. They watched Scary Movie 2 with small giggles and little conversation.

Naomi pulled up in front of Ty's apartment complex. Jason and Adam followed behind her. Taylor sat in the driver's seat and listened to music. Naomi knocked on the door. Ty answered. He didn't see Jason or Adam because they stood off to the side of the door leaned against the brick wall. Ty left the door cracked open and Naomi walked in.

Ty: Thought you would never come.

Naomi: Not here to talk Ty. Where all my shit?

Ty: Exactly where you left it. Baby, don't go. I'm sorry. I know I messed up.

He grabbed her by the arm. She snatched away.

Naomi: Don't fucking touch me Ty! You fucked up this time! You said you loved me and you lied!

Ty: I do love you!

Naomi: Bullshit!

Jason and Adam listened silently outside the door. Ty grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer, something he knew she couldn't resist. But she did.

Naomi: MOVE!

Ty became frustrated.

Ty: You know what? Fuck you then! Leave if you want to! Leave!

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