Chapter Sixteen: Perfection

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The next morning Naomi woke up with a smile on her face leaving Nyla suspicious. Naomi ran down the stairs to tell Lynn what was going to happen. Nyla followed.

Naomi: Good morning mama!

She kissed Lynn on the cheek and that caught Lynn off guard.

Lynn: What's going on?

Naomi: This guy I talk to said he wants to meet you and dad today. He's coming over at six.

Lynn: David has to work today and I need to check on some paperwork at the courthouse.

Naomi: Around what time?

Lynn: I'm leaving at twelve. I don't know when I'll be done. I'll have to pick up Josh from Mama's house and you know she likes to talk.

Naomi: Then me, Ny, and Dev will watch him.

Lynn raised her eyebrow.

Lynn: You must really like this boy.

Naomi: Yeah, I do.

Lynn: Alright. Is he just coming over or are we going somewhere?

Naomi: He's just coming over.

Lynn: Fine with me. Clean up the house while I'm gone.

Naomi, on her way back to her room yelled, "We will!"

Nyla: Sooo, who is he?

Naomi: Ty.

Nyla smiled.

Nyla: I knew you loved him.

Naomi smiled and walked off.

Nyla: Can you feed Josh?

Naomi: Yeah, if you change his diaper.

Nyla: I'll feed him.

The girls went about their business until twelve noon. Lynn left the house leaving them to their chores. She left separate lists for the girls.


-Mop the kitchen

-Sweep the garage

-Clean the windows

-Wash the dishes

-Vacuum the living room and hallways

-Dust the bookshelves


-Clean the bathroom (counter, sink, shower, and toilet)

-Fold the clothes

-Take out the trash

-Dust the end tables

-Make your bed

-Clean the computer desk

P.S.- Do NOT take your eyes off of Josh!

The girls headed downstairs to check the list. Their reactions were priceless.

Naomi: She really got me fucked up.

Nyla: Exactly! Is this a joke?

Naomi: Mop? MOP?! Since when have I ever mopped?

Nyla: I have never had to clean the whole damn bathroom. This is crazy. I should call Devon so he could come help or at least watch Josh.

Naomi: Call him.

Nyla called Devon, but he couldn't come over, because he was in the middle of working.

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