Chapter Thirteen: Lasting Love

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Five years passed. Nyla, now twenty-three and Naomi, now twenty-six. The colors of Tiffany blue, white, and grey covered the backyard. Everyone was dressed in their best for the wedding.

Lynn: Oh my gosh, are y'all ready?

Naomi: Mama, calm down. I'm ready.

Nyla came out of the back in a beautiful white dress.

Lynn: Nyla, are you ready?

Nyla: Yes Mama. I wish you would stop being so nervous.

Lynn: I can't help it.

Nyla gave Lynn a hug. There was a knock at the door. Grandma Clara wore a cream dress suit with floral designs and a hint of baby blue color streaks.

Grandma Clara: We don't have all day now. Hurry up!

Lynn: Alright Mama.

Lynn tried terribly hard to get everything situated. The wedding started in thirty minutes. Keith knocked on the door.

Keith: Babe!

Naomi ran to the door quickly.

Naomi: Back up.

Keith: What?

Naomi: Bad luck. You can't go in there.

Keith smiled and walked off.

Keith: Whatever Nae.

Naomi, the maid of honor. Josh, the ring bearer. Nyla, the other maid of honor. Danielle, the matron of honor. Taylor, Tiffany, and Tracy, bridesmaids. Jason and Adam, groomsmen. Everything was planned and set up. Everyone was seated outside. The sun was shining and the sky was clear of clouds. It wasn't too hot, but it was far from cold.

Keith's niece, Kayla, is the flower girl. Her dress was Tiffany blue with a white bow in the middle. The petals she threw down were grey, white, and a light bubble gum pink. When she reached Naomi, she stopped. Danielle stood in front, then Naomi, then Nyla and so on. Now there was only Lynn.

In the crowd, there sat David. Originally he was not invited, but he just needed to see his ex wife be happy for once. He began to reflect on their wedding day and how beautiful she was. It brought a tear to his eye. If only she took him back the night he pleaded her, none of this would be happening. If he never would have left, none of this would be happening.

Devon sat two rows ahead of David. Of course Devon was invited. His fiancée stood beautifully at the front of the church. All he could think about was how she would look on their wedding day.

Naomi's boyfriend Jeremy sat beside Devon. The two were like brothers. Jeremy didn't have marriage in mind, because he had not known Naomi very long, but he knew she was fine as hell up there.

The back doors opened. Keith smiled as he looked at his wife from a far. They dress was elegant and long. The designs were gorgeous and the sun made the sequins shine. The dress was specially hand made with lace over one shoulder while the other shoulder was bare. Diamonds draped on her neck while the dress hugged her tightly. She had an amazing forty year old body that Keith absolutely adored. Everyone in the crowd stood up. Cameras were flashing as Keith's father escorted her down the aisle. Keith couldn't control the smile on his face because he knew this beautiful woman would soon be his. They stood directly in front of each other and a tear fell from her eye. He wiped it for her. How cliché. The pastor said everything the pastor is supposed to say and they said their vows.

Keith: I vow to never hurt you. I vow to stay by your side and love you with my all. You are my wife, my world, and by far my better half. I am overjoyed to say that you are mine, and most overjoyed to say that I am yours. I have loved you from the day I've met you. I vow to not leave the toothpaste tube open, because I know you hate it so much. I will not call you crazy because it just makes you crazier.

They both laughed as well as the crowd.

Keith: I am by far the luckiest man on this earth. I love you.

Lynn wiped her tears away and took a deep breath.

Lynn: I vow to support you and love you. Everything I do will benefit you if not the both of us. I vow to cook for you nearly every night if there are no leftovers, but most importantly, I vow to never let you go even when I'm so mad I just can't take it anymore. I vow to listen to you, because I know I talk more than I listen sometimes. I also vow to not get mad at you because of a dream I had.

He laughed and the audience did as well.

Lynn: I love you so much.

They kissed and the reception was next.

At the reception everyone waited. There was music and wine. Juice for the kids. They had jumbalaya, gumbo, spaghetti, salad, grilled chicken, fried chicken, anything you can think of, it was there. Nyla and Devon danced around and kissed each other. Jeremy and Naomi did the same. Nyla and Devon took a seat.

Devon: So baby where you wanna go tonight?

Nyla: Well, I was thinking we could go to the park.

Devon: Like old times?

Nyla: Yeah, accept this time, we can just to our house and have sex.

Devon: So you just want to cuddle?

Nyla: Of course.

Devon: You're weird girl.

Nyla: But you love me.

Lynn walked into the reception with Keith. She wore a white cocktail dress with Tiffany blue stilettos and grey jewelry. The cameras began flashing again. Nyla ran up to her and Keith.

Nyla: So Mama?

Lynn: What?

Nyla: How does it feel?

Lynn: You'll know in a few months.

David walked up to Keith and shook his hand. As soon as he walked up, Nyla walked off.

David: Hey Lynn.

Lynn: Hello.

David: You look gorgeous.

Lynn: Thank you. Where's your date?

David: Oh, I don't have one.

Lynn: Well, I hope you have a great time tonight. Hopefully we'll catch up later.

Someone else got Lynn's attention so she left David standing there.

Keith threw his hand over David's shoulder.

Keith: I don't see how you let her go man.

David didn't say anything. He couldn't say anything. He left the reception full of regret.

Naomi: So Jeremy, what you doing later on tonight?

Jeremy: Whatever you trying to do I guess.

Naomi walked over to Nyla.

Naomi: Where y'all going after this?

Nyla: To the park at the lake. Why?

Naomi: Y'all wanna do a movie?

Nyla: Girl spend alone time with Jeremy.

Naomi walked back over to Jeremy.

Naomi: So, a movie?

Jeremy: Yeah okay.

As soon as Lynn got her plate of food, everyone lined up to get theirs.

Nyla: You know, now I'm in the mood for weddings.

Devon: Yeah, I know.

Nyla: So?

Devon: The date?

Nyla: Yeah.

Devon: June 24, 2013.

Nyla: But that's two days from now.

Devon: We don't need a big wedding babe.

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