Chapter Ten: Game Night Pt. 3

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Linda followed David to his apartment in separate cars. After finally arriving, they talked about what just happened.

Linda walked into his kitchen and pulled out a bottle of coke.

Linda: You feeling okay?

David: I really fucked up.

She took a sip of her drink.

Linda: So what? You can't change what choices you made now. You need to man up.

David: Shut the fuck up Linda.

She paused and placed her bottle on the coffee table.

Linda: Excuse me?

David: Yeah. Shut the fuck up. You got me into this shit!

Linda: It's not my fault you wanted me!

David: But it's your fault I got drunk that night!

Linda: Don't put your troubles on me!

David: Linda, you are the trouble!

Linda: I never told you to stick around!

David: Yes you did!

Linda: You still chose to stay.

David: Because I wanted you to know that I meant business.

Linda: So you do love me.

David: No.

Linda: Then you wasted a lot of your time. I shouldn't have had that abortion, but at the time I was thinking of you!

David: Thinking of me? A baby won't keep a man around and that probably wasn't going to be my baby!

He walked closer to her.

David: That's right. I know you be fucking around. I should've left your hoeing ass alone a long time ago!

Linda: Don't call me a hoe! If you really wanted to ever leave me alone then you would have!

David: Now I am.

He walked over to the door.

David: Leave Linda.

Linda: I'm not going anywhere.

He raised his voice louder.

David: Linda, GET THE FUCK OUT!

She cringed. She grabbed her keys off of his desk and walked towards the door. Tears ran down her face. Linda grabbed her wallet out of her purse and hit him in the head. David grabbed her by the wrist.

David: You lost your damn mind?

Linda: No. I'm just now finding it.

He closed the door behind her and turned his television on the news. He had to think of a way to get things right with his family even if it meant things would never be the same.


Back at the house, everything was back to normal. People actually seemed to be having more fun than before since there was no tension in the house. Not between the grown ups that is. Naomi still had a negative vibe towards Ricky.

Jason, Adam, Kyle, and Ricky pretty much hogged the Xbox since they were playing 2k12. Nyla, Tiffany, and Tracy were playing UNO. Penny stayed upstairs playing with Josh.

Tracy: So are more people supposed to be here for Thanksgiving?

Nyla: A lot more. You need to come around more often though.

Tracy: Well, it's not like my mama keeps me away on purpose. My dad just thinks it's best for me to stay with him. He said she can be a bit of a bitch sometimes.

Nyla and Tiffany laughed.

Nyla: Yeah, well, we won't argue there. Where does he even stay? You're really proper.

Tracy: South Beach, California.

Nyla nodded her head and they continued with the game.

Jason: Aye nigga, you cheating.

Kyle: Hell na boy. You just suck.

Ricky and Adam laughed at the joke. Kyle won.

Jason: So you like my little cousin?

Kyle: Yeah I do.

Jason: Don't fuck with her.

Kyle: I wouldn't.

Jason: That's what a lot of niggas say.

Kyle: Well I'm serious. She really been there for me.

Jason: She can be real cool like that.

Jason slapped Kyle on the back in a friendly way.

Naomi took a break from a card came she was playing with Taylor. She went into the kitchen to get something to eat.

Kyle: Okay, who wanna play the winner?

Adam jumped at the opportunity. Ricky had his mind on something else. After about two minutes, he walked into the kitchen behind Naomi. She closed the refrigerator to see him standing behind the door.

Naomi: The fuck?

Ricky: I'm sorry.

Naomi attempted to walk pass but he grabbed her by the arm.

Ricky: Nae, I'm sorry.

Naomi pushed his arm away.

Naomi: My name is Naomi to you. You don't have the right to call me Naomi.

Ricky: Well, Naomi, I don't know why I did what I did. I've always thought you were a great girl and---

Naomi: I don't care to hear it.

She walked off.

He thought to himself, "At least I tried."

A few more hours of games and as soon as the grownups sobered up, everyone went home. Nyla and Kyle kissed goodbye as well as Taylor and Ricky. Everyone went home except Taylor, Tiffany, Jason, Adam, and unexpectedly Keith. Everyone changed into their pajamas and helped clean up. Nyla came back downstairs in boyish pajama pants and a white wife beater. Keith and Lynn were caught in the kitchen playing around.

Nyla: What is this?!

They stopped.

Lynn: What?

Nyla: This ain't play time!

Lynn: Girl I'm grown. Shut up.

Nyla smiled as she grabbed a few cups. Naomi came down with a bag full of broken glass.

Naomi: Mama, look at this okay? This is proof that you can't drink no more.

Lynn smiled and snatched the bag from her.

Naomi: It's Keith, right?

Keith: Yes, Naomi.

Naomi: Well I mean, you about to put in some work or not?

Lynn: Naomi!

Naomi: Hey, I'm just trying to help you out. Make sure he's not a bum.

Keith: I'm not a bum.

Naomi: Well I wouldn't know that.

Keith: Now you do.

Naomi liked his attitude and so did Nyla. He seemed to be more of a man than their own father.

Everyone around the house finished cleaning in almost thirty minutes and headed off to bed. The night was one to remember, especially for Lynn.

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