Chapter Six: Put to the Test

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Nyla and Elyse sat together at lunch as usual. Penny sat with them which was unusual.

Nyla: Y'all, Yasmin got bold as hell this morning.

Nyla sat on the bench at the table with her snacks.

Elyse: What did she do?

Elyse sat her backpack next to her.

Nyla: She was trying to call my hands! She must not know who I am.

Elyse and Penny laughed.

Penny: So, are you gonna fight her?

Nyla: If she tempts me.

They started eating their food. When people brought their own food, they would sit outside. Few people actually ate lunch in the cafeteria.

Kyle came over. He was the best known linebacker for the football team. His girlfriend's name was Treasure. Nyla always saw him to be attractive. Elyse and Penny thought so too, but they both knew that Nyla had eyes on him first.

He had caramel brown skin with a fade of light brown curly hair. He looked like he could be related to Nyla. His goatee was forming now and that made him a lot sexier.

Kyle: Hey babe.

Nyla smiled. They always flirted like that every once in a while. He was one of the guys she had been messing around with since Devon left.

Nyla: Hey Kyle.

"Ky and Ny" repeated itself in Nyla's mind.

He hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

Kyle: What you doing this weekend?

Nyla: Probably nothing. Why?

Kyle: You could come over or vice versa.

Nyla: What about Treasure?

Kyle: She tripping. I almost broke up with her yesterday.

Nyla: Why?

Kyle: Too jealous for me.

Nyla: Well, you are a flirt. She don't wanna put up with that.

Kyle: She is too! I seen her flirting with Mark. I just don't give a damn.

Nyla: Mark a hoe.

Kyle: Treasure is too. So you down?

Nyla: I'll think about it.

Kyle sat with them for the rest of lunch. On the way back to class, it was just Nyla and Penny.

Nyla: So you asked Richard?

Penny: Yeah. He said he'll come.

Nyla: Good. Tell him I'm driving.

Penny: I did.

Nyla: You told him where I parked?

Penny: Yeah.

They split up. Nyla headed to her English class and the day went on.

After school, Nyla saw Richard and Penny waiting by her car. She pulled her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the doors. Everyone hopped in and made their way to Nyla's house.

Richard: So why y'all got me going over here again?

Penny: Be patient babe.

Richard looked out of the window. Nyla hated awkward silences so she started conversation.

Nyla: So how are y'all?

Richard: We're fine Nyla.

Nyla turned up the radio and danced to the beat.

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