Chapter One: Confusion

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Since she left the mall, Nyla couldn't help but to think about calling Patrick. She thought to herself, "What if he doesn't remember me?" She swallowed her concern and called instead. It was late that Saturday night. The phone rang and Patrick picked up.

Nyla: Hey Patrick.

Patrick: Just call me Pat. I thought you'd never call, girl.

Nyla: Oh, so we on nicknames now?

She laughed; more like giggled.

Patrick: We been on nicknames. You know, you looked real good today.

Nyla blushed over the phone.

Nyla: Boy---

Lynn walked in.


Nyla was so embarrassed.

Nyla: I'll call you tomorrow. Bye.

Patrick said bye and smiled while he hung up the phone.


Lynn: Little girl don't get loud with me. That had better not been no boy. You know we don't do no late night calls in this house!

Nyla rolled her eyes and stormed off to her room. Naomi heard everything and joined her.

Naomi: Be cool Nyla. You know how mama can be sometimes.

Nyla: But she didn't have to yell at me like that!

Naomi: You want me to sleep in here with you tonight?

Nyla went into her closet and got another pillow.

Nyla: Here's your answer.

The girls stayed up all night talking to each other. Giving advice and telling secrets is a sister thing for them.

Naomi: You remember that night the boy called for me?

Nyla: Yeah. I remember Ty.

Naomi: Well, that night I snuck out to go see him.

Nyla: NAOMI!

Naomi: Shut up. You getting too loud.

Nyla: My bad. I can't believe you though!

Naomi pretended she was sleep so Nyla wouldn't ask her what happened. Nyla didn't need to know everything. Eventually, both girls dozed off.

The next morning, the girls woke up to eggs, bacon, and pancakes. They ran downstairs to see if it was really true. Lynn was in the kitchen finishing up the pancakes and David was sitting at the table drinking coffee.

Lynn: Go wash your faces and get ready to eat. We're going to Grandma's house today.

The girls dreaded going to their grandmother's house and most likely, since it was Sunday, their cousins and aunts would be there. They had three aunts and seven cousins. Of course, everyone didn't get along. Tammy, the eldest of their mom and her sisters, always envied Lynn's lifestyle. She has two kids, worked at Walmart and no man would stay with her. Danielle, the one closest to their mom in age, was the one the girls liked the most. She has two kids and works at Shepherd Hospital. Cristina was the youngest aunt. She always had too much going on with her three kids. She could never control them properly.

After breakfast, the girls got dressed. They waited on their mom and dad to get ready so they sat outside.

Naomi: I really don't feel like going over there.

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