Chapter Four: Confessions

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That same day after school, Nyla took Penny back home and packed her things. Since her clothes were nearly scattered over Penny's room, she had her own personal scavenger hunt.

Penny: Why you leaving so soon?

Nyla had her shirt in her hand.

Nyla: I miss my family.

Penny: We are family.

Nyla: Penny you've changed. I don't even really know who you are anymore.

Penny: So that's it? You act like you don't know me now?

Nyla: You've changed!

Penny: And you don't think you have?

Nyla: I know I have, but it's not like I'm mad at the world like you! You don't even smile anymore!

Penny: Yes I do.

Nyla: I gotta go. We're still friends.

Nyla stood up and grabbed her car keys off of the bed.

Penny: Nyla you're supposed to be my best friend!

Nyla: I need to get back to my family!

Penny: Okay.

Nyla zipped her suit case and stood it up.

Penny: I have to tell you something.

Nyla: What?

Penny said nothing. She sat on the edge of her bed and took a deep breath. Nyla stood there waiting.

Penny: I'm leaving soon.

Nyla: Where are you going?

Penny: Just away. I'm not graduating so I don't really see a point in staying here.

Nyla was greatly disappointed.

Nyla: You still have time to change that.

Penny: I gave up on life a long time ago Ny. All these tattoos and piercings are my messages of me not caring about my body anymore. Yours are just decoration. Mine represent pain. And you know Richard?

Nyla: Yeah.

Penny: Well, we've been having sex a lot. Probably too much. Last time he didn't wear a condom and...

Nyla: He's burning?!

Penny: No, I hope not.

Nyla: So you're pregnant?

Penny: Yeah.

Nyla buried her hands in her face.

Nyla: What the hell Penny? How many months or weeks?

Penny: Just a month. My mama doesn't know yet that's why I gotta go.

Nyla: Where do you plan on working or even staying?

Penny shook her head and burst into tears.

Penny: I don't know what I'm supposed to do!

Nyla embraced her. She felt so sorry for Penny.

Nyla: Please tell me he knows you're pregnant.

Penny: I don't know Nyla, I really don't.

Tears fell from both of the girls' eyes.

Nyla: Come home with me.

Penny packed a couple of bags and headed out of the door with Nyla. There was an out of the blue call from Naomi as Nyla pulled out of the driveway.

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