Chapter Twelve: Thanksgiving

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Thursday. Thanksgiving Day. Lynn began to work her wrist on the kitchen around twelve o'clock. Her sisters, mother, and other relatives and friends would be coming by soon. Nyla and Naomi of course helped out. Keith brought in the turkey and ham along with other groceries.

Nyla: Keith you invited anybody?

Keith: Well, I do have a surprise.

Lynn: What?

Keith: I invited my mama and my sister.

Lynn was caught completely off guard.

Lynn: What? Why?

Keith: I want her to me you.

She was flattered but also pressured. She felt like everything was going a little fast.

Nyla: Well this should be interesting.

Naomi: Who did you invite Nyla?

Nyla: Oh yeah, Devon's coming.

Lynn: Really? How has he been? I liked him.

Nyla: I guess he's been fine.

Christina and Danielle told Lynn they would be there early to help out in the kitchen. First there was Christina with Jason and Adam.

Christina: Damn girl, you already go it smelling good in here.

Lynn let out a laugh.

Lynn: Get in here and get yourself to work. You get started on the greens and I'll get this chicken dressing ready. Keith, baby, can you get the ham and turkey going?

Christina: Well if we're doing all this then what's Mama and Danielle going to do? Hell, even Tammy!

Lynn: You already know Mama and Tammy got the cakes and pies cooking. Tammy said she would do it at Mama's house. Danielle working on the actual meal with us.

Christina: This is too much.

Lynn: That's exactly what you'll be saying after you try to put all this food on one plate.

Christina smiled and started on the greens.

Lynn: Y'all get out this kitchen. Grown people at work.

Naomi: Mama, we are grown. Well, I am.

Lynn: I know. Nyla go get the bathrooms clean. Tell Jason and Adam to help you. Naomi, after you go check on Josh, come back down and pour us some drinks. You can pour you one too.

Nyla: That ain't even fair.

Naomi: Shut up fat head. I'm grown.

Nyla: You just turned 21!

Naomi: Which makes me grown.

Naomi stuck her tongue out and ran upstairs to check on Josh. Nyla went into the living room with Jason and Adam.

Nyla: Y'all, help me clean the bathrooms.

The both laughed.

Jason: The fuck?

Nyla: The fuck you mean "the fuck"? Come on.

Adam: We not cleaning nothing. We guests.

Nyla: Y'all never been guests! My mama said so, so come on.

Jason dropped the xbox controlling as if he was a teenager throwing a tantrum.

Nyla: Get it together boy!

Jason: I'm a man.

Nyla: Then act like one.

She threw gloves at his face and a sponge to Adam's.

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