Chapter Fourteen: Dysfunctional

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She arrived at Jada's house. Jada was sitting on the porch drinking coffee and listening to music. She usually did that when she had a lot on her mind. Naomi ran up to the porch and sat next to her.

Naomi: What's wrong Jada?

Jada: He did it again. I'm so sick of this shit man. I don't even see the point in being here.

Naomi: Where is it this time?

Jada: On my back. It's long.

Jada lifted her shirt and there on her back was a long red scar.

Naomi: Does it still hurt as bad as before?

Jada: It hurts worse.

Naomi: What did he use?

Jada: I don't even remember. I wasn't looking.

Naomi: Why did he hit you?

Jada burst into tears.

Jada: He was drunk and mad. I don't know why Naomi. He never gives me a reason as to why he does it.

Naomi hugged her gently trying to avoid putting pressure on her back.

Naomi: I've been thinking lately.

Jada: What?

Naomi: Why am I here? Why do I exist? I've been having suicidal thoughts lately.

Jada: If you kill yourself, I don't know what I would do without you. Don't do it.

Naomi kept quiet.

Jada: Nyla would die without you Naomi. She needs you.

Naomi: She has Devon now.

Jada: He won't always be there for her.

Naomi began to cry.

Naomi: Ricky raped me that night Jada.

Jada's eyes got bigger.

Jada: I knew something was up! Why didn't you tell me?!

Naomi: I was too embarrassed.

Jada: I know exactly what you mean.

The girls sat there in the cool shade on a warm, windy afternoon.

Jada: What is life?

Naomi: Something we can't control. It's unpredictable.

Jada: Everything is good one moment and then...

Naomi: Everything suddenly crumbles.

A silence fell over the two girls. Naomi broke the silence.

Naomi: Hell, on my way here I was thinking about running off the road.

Jada didn't say anything. After about five minutes of silence, Jada's dad, Carl, aggressively opened the door.

Carl: Jada getcho ass in this house!

Jada didn't say anything. She didn't even move.

Naomi: Hi Mr. Wilson.

Carl: Hey Nae. Jada get in here!

Jada hugged Naomi before she stood up to go inside. She whispered into her ear, "Pray for me." Carl then yanked her by the arm.

Naomi sat in her car and thought to herself, "I'm so broken."

She took the long way to Sonic just to clear her mind before she went back home. As soon as she parked to place her order, Nyla called her.

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