Chapter Eighteen: Family Time

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After the fight, Naomi dropped Nyla and Penny off at home. There were plans she made with Ty that she would not turn down. She unlocked the door with her key when she got there. She wasn't expecting Ty to be home and she heard someone else there. She quietly put her things down and grabbed a knife out of the kitchen. She didn't plan on calling the police just yet. She walked through the living room to the back room. The door was slightly open. She gripped the knife handle tighter and she peeked through the door. It was Kyonna.


Her heart dropped.

Ty quickly pulled out of Kyonna and walked over to Naomi.

Ty: Baby--

Naomi pulled the knife up to his face. Tears were running down her face and there was the angriest mug she had ever given.

Naomi: I trusted you! I came back to you! You ain't shit, you know that?!

She looked over to Kyonna.

Naomi: And you, bitch, I should kill you.

She wiped her tears.

Naomi: Y'all said y'all ain't have shit going on! How long y'all been fucking?! How long y'all been lying to me?!

Ty: Naomi!

Naomi: Shut the fuck up bitch, I'm talking to her!

Kyonna: Naomi I'm sorry.

Naomi still had the knife in her hand and took a full charge to Kyonna, but Ty held her back.

Naomi: Get yo nasty ass hands off of me. You could've told me you was fucking the bitch before I started to love you again, but forget that. I guess once an 'ain't shit' nigga, always an 'ain't shit' nigga.

She dropped the knife and walked out of the room. Her purse was on the love seat next to her keys, she grabbed them and turned around to face Ty.

Naomi: I'll be back for my things tomorrow.

She walked out of the door, slamming it, while Ty was in the beginning of saying something. Nothing he had to say interested her from this point on. She was officially tired of being hurt.

She hopped into her Camaro and drove off. On her way home she thought to herself, "It's time to move on."

About forty five minutes later, she was in her own driveway. There sat Nyla and Penny outside with Josh.

Nyla: Your eyes are red, what happened?

Naomi: I'll tell y'all tonight.

She walked into the house and plopped down on the couch. Lynn came downstairs.

Lynn: We're going out to eat tonight so get ready.

Naomi groaned and glared at her.

Naomi: I'm not going.

Lynn: Yes you are. Come on.

Lynn stepped outside to tell Penny and Nyla. Naomi stood up from the couch and mumbled, "I don't feel like going nowhere. Shit." She went upstairs to fix herself.

Nyla stayed on the porch because she was all ready. She called Devon's phone about seven times with no answer.

Penny: You think he's at work?

Nyla: No, he was off today.

Penny: With his family?

Nyla: Might be.

Penny: With another girl?

Nyla: I don't know. You asking too many questions.

Penny: What would you do if it was another girl?

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