Chapter Twenty: So Long

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Now in late July, school was about to start again and Naomi was preparing to go off to college. She went on college tours in Georgia, Florida, and even Texas. Nyla, on the other hand, didn't want her to leave. She and Devon had not talked in a while, because he was busy looking at colleges too, but Nyla had no clue. Not that she needed him much since she spent most of her time with Penny and Josh. She had gotten used to not seeing him.

Lynn and David, gone as usual, went to the grocery store and left Nyla home with Naomi and Josh. Unexpectedly, Devon came by.

Nyla was in the middle of changing Josh's diaper, so she was too busy to answer.

Nyla: Nae, who is that?

She yelled from upstairs in Josh's nursery. Naomi was downstairs in the kitchen washing dishes. She went to see who was at the door.

Naomi: It's Devon!

Nyla: Oh.

She wrapped Josh up in a fresh diaper and carried him downstairs to greet Devon. She lightly one-arm hugged him and sat Josh down.

Nyla: So how have you been?

Devon: I came over to talk to you.

Nyla: So talk.

Naomi left to continue washing the dishes.

Devon: I'm going off to college in August.

A tear from Nyla's left eye formed.

Nyla: And now you tell me?

Devon: I'm sorry. I didn't know how to.

Nyla: Goodbye Devon.

Devon: Come one now, you can't throw these past two years away that fast.

Nyla: Well you are!

Devon: My mama is making me go to school Nyla! This wasn't my choice.

She broke down in tears and rested her head on his chest. He embraced her as she listened to his smooth heart beat between her sobs and moans of hurt. She looked him in the eyes.

Nyla: You'll find someone better. You know you will.

Devon: Baby, I'm not saying I'm never coming back. You'll always be in my heart.

He wiped her face with the palm of his hand and kissed her on the cheek. Nyla felt like her world was coming to an end. He was her world.

Nyla: What am I supposed to do now?!

She was enraged at this point.

Devon: Nyla--

Nyla: No! You fucked up for this! I can't believe you! We barely been talking! I thought you were cheating on me.

Devon: Cheating on you? You're the only one I've been having my eyes on. I just didn't know how to tell you.

Nyla: So you just avoid me? Is that it? I love you!

Devon: I love you too.

Nyla: Bullshit, because if you did, you would've been spending time with me lately.

Devon was hushed. She stared off into the distance before she finally went over to the couch to sit down and get her thoughts together.

Nyla: Well, I hope you have a damn good time at college.

Devon felt terrible. He wanted to cry, but he didn't want to seem weak. She was his world too. Everything about her was perfect to him. He was in between choosing his future career over his future love life. He didn't want to leave her behind, but he had to in order to fulfill his goals. He sat next to her.

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