Chapter Eleven: Shocking

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Lynn woke up with a headache and sore throat the next morning. She stayed in bed for about five minutes. Keith rested peacefully next to her. She couldn't remember if they had sex or not. Hopefully they didn't. She didn't want to seem as if she was moving too fast with a man she's just now bringing home. She carefully moved out of the bed and threw her robe on. She went downstairs to look for food to eat. They only had cereal. She made a bowl and went back up to her room.

Jason, Adam, Taylor, and Tiffany stayed the night. Naomi and Taylor slept in Naomi's room and Tiffany slept with Penny and Nyla. Jason and Adam slept in the living room on the couches.

While Lynn was eating, the doorbell rang. She really didn't want to answer. She said to herself, "Who in the hell would be ringing my doorbell?"

Lynn still held the empty cereal bowl in her hand. There stood Shona, Penny's mother, in the doorway.

Lynn: Oh my goodness.

Shona had tears running down her face.

Shona: Lynn, I'm a mess right now. I can't find Penny and she won't answer my calls or texts.

Lynn straightened her robe and invited Shona in. She threw pillows at Jason and Adam to get them off of the couch.

Jason: Auntie!

Lynn: Shut up. Go upstairs and get Nyla. Tell her Shona is here looking for Penny.

Jason: Why you just don't want me to get Pen--

Lynn: Go!

He ran upstairs while Adam straightened up the couches.

Lynn: So, Shona, do you want anything to drink?

Shona: No, I'm okay. Have you heard anything?

Lynn: Give me a minute.

Lynn went upstairs to see what Nyla was doing. She was waking Penny up. Penny sat up still groggy.

Lynn: Penny, your mama is down there.

Penny: You called her?!

Lynn: No she came on her own. I suggest we go down there and straighten all of this out.

Penny: What? No! She'll beat me like hell!

Lynn: Watch your mouth and no she won't.

Penny and Nyla brushed their teeth and went downstairs behind Lynn.

Shona: Penny?

Penny: Yeah.

Shona: Where the fuck have you been?! I been worried sick about you! You ain't answer none of my calls and I been worried and shit!

Shona was pissed off.

"You been here the whole time or something? You lucky I'm not beating your ass right now!"

Lynn: Shona calm down. Let her explain.

Shona: Damn sure waiting for her to speak up!

Penny choked on her tears.

Penny: Mama I came here because I was afraid what you would do to me!

Shona: Why would I do something to you?

Penny wore a big t-shirt so her stomach wasn't visible.

Lynn asked Penny if she wanted her to tell Shona. Penny nodded.

Lynn: She's pregnant Shona.

Shona: What?

Penny: Yeah.

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