Chapter Seven: Surprises

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Nyla walked into the house and looked at David surprised to see him in their house on the couch. When Naomi saw him, she had just started walking up the stairs and came back down. It was late. Almost 12:00.

Naomi: What is this?

Lynn: We have something to tell y'all.

Nyla and Naomi didn't know what to expect.

Naomi: What is it?

David: Lynn is pregnant.

Naomi: Pregnant?!

Nyla was pissed.

Nyla: You mean you can come over here and get her pregnant, and you walk out on us?!

She started crying.

David: I'm sorry for leaving Nyla! I told you I needed time to myself.

Nyla went upstairs and slammed her door. Naomi went to check on her.

Naomi: Nyla, calm do--

Nyla: How the fuck can't he do that?! He walked out on all three of us and he might do the same with the baby!

Naomi: Calm down Nyla.

Nyla: When in the hell did they even fuck?!

Naomi: Nyla...

Nyla began to cry even harder. Naomi hugged her.

Naomi: Look, we gotta help raise this baby.

Nyla: I'm supposed to be the baby! I ain't gotta do shit.

Naomi got up off of her bed. She had a straight face.

Naomi: You better pull your damn self together and stop crying. I know he walked out on is but that's the past! You can't hold this stupid ass grudge forever.

Nyla didn't say anything back. David knocked on her door; Naomi opened it.

David: Ny...

Nyla: Leave me alone.

David sat on her bed and talked to her.

David: I know I messed up. I shouldn't have left, but you have to know you're still me baby girl.

Nyla stopped crying.

Nyla: I was hurt. I needed you!

David hugged her and kissed her forehead.

David slept in the bed with Lynn that night and Naomi slept with Nyla. To Nyla, it felt like they were a family again.

The next morning was Sunday. Today, they were not going to their grandmother's house. Lynn was not about to risk anything.

Nyla sat outside with Naomi and Patrick was walking down the street with some girl. She wasn't really affected by it. It's not like he was with Lyric.

Naomi: She ugly as hell.

Nyla: Girl stop. She cute. She's bad built, but cute.

Both of them laughed. Patrick saw and heard them. He tried to not pay any attention to it.

Nyla was bored outside so she went inside and called Devon. She loved the way his voice sounded over the phone.

Nyla: Babe, can you come over?

Devon: Right now?

Nyla: Yeah, if you want to.

Devon: I'm leaving the house now.

Nyla smiled.

Nyla: Okay, see you when you get here.

They hung up the phone and Nyla went into the kitchen to get some water. She heard Naomi scream her name. She ran outside to see what was going on and Patrick was in front of her house.

Patrick: Nyla I miss you.

Nyla didn't know what to do. She was just getting over Patrick and moving on to Devon. She still had a little love for Patrick, but she liked Devon more than she loved Patrick.

Nyla: I don't wanna hear that bullshit Patrick.

Patrick grabbed her by her arm and pulled her closer.

Nyla: Let me go! You're hurting my arm.

Naomi tried to help her, but Patrick slapped her. Devon pulled up in front of the house. He got out of the car and slammed the door.

Devon: The fuck going on?!

Patrick: Nigga get the fuck back. I'm trying to talk to my girl.

Devon: Your girl?

Nyla: I don't want you no more Patrick!

Devon knew she didn't want him. He knew his girl was in trouble.

Devon: Let her go man.

Patrick: If I don't?

Patrick was skinny but he never backed down from a fight no matter how big the other guy was. Devon had strong biceps and his veins in his forearm and biceps were visible. He was getting pissed. He was pissed off and buff.

Devon walked over to Patrick and grabbed him by the neck and firmly whispered into his ear, "I said let her go." Patrick let her go. Nyla's arm was turning red.

Devon let go of Patrick's neck and led Nyla and Naomi into the house. Devon had never met Nyla's parents so today would be the day.

David was sitting in the living room watching television. He sat in total confusion.

David: Who the hell is this?

Naomi: Nyla's boyfriend Devon.

David: What happened to Nyla?

Naomi: This boy grabbed her by her arm and wouldn't let her go until Devon made him.

Nyla say on the counter while Naomi wrapped some ice in a towel.

David: What boy?!

Devon could instantly tell this man didn't play about his daughter.

Devon: I don't even know who the boy was. Who was it Nyla?

Nyla: My ex.

David noticed how much he missed out in his daughter's life and he felt terrible. Nyla really didn't want her dad to know anything.

David: Where he live?

Nyla: I don't know!

She lied.

Lynn came down the stairs wondering what the fuss was about.

She saw a tall, buff, light skinned boy in the middle of her living room.

Lynn: Who the fu--

David: It's Nyla's boyfriend.

Lynn: Devon?

Devon: Yes ma'am.

Lynn shook his hand and they all sat down while Naomi explained what happened. Her face was no longer red, so they couldn't tell that he slapped her. She didn't tell them either.

David: So where do you go to school?

Devon: Cliff High.

David: Oh okay. You play any sports?

Devon: Yes sir. I play football and I run track.

David was impressed. It got him to thinking, "Why haven't I met any of Naomi's boyfriends?" David liked Devon. He was sociable, stuck up for his daughter, and he was mature.

David: So how old are you?

Devon: Seventeen.

David: Well, you're welcome in this house so instead of sitting outside all the time, just know y'all can come in.

Devon and Nyla stayed in the living room while she iced her arm. They cuddled and watched a movie for the afternoon. He kissed her on the cheek a couple of times and said, "I love you."

Her heart was beating fast when she said it back. She meant it.

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